“This kind of aura that doesn’t look like human beings. Sure enough, Roger didn’t lie to me. There really is a realm of gods in this world!”

Barrett felt Li Yi’s aura that was beyond the overlord’s pressure, and his whole body was trembling, but it was not fear but excitement.

This means that he still has room to go further. Roger once said that in ancient times, there were some strong people who reached the ultimate in the field of devil fruits, and their power dominated the world like gods.

The souls of these extremely powerful people are fused with the Devil Fruit. Even after death, their souls remain immortal, hiding in the Devil Fruit, waiting for the moment of awakening.

The appearance of the God-like Thunder Emperor mode shocked not only Marinevando’s navy, but also the pirates who had just left.

The red-haired man standing on the bow of the ship looked at Marine Fando in shock. He felt a terrifying aura. This aura was as oppressive as the rolling waves of the sea, and like the wrath of thunder rumbling in the sky. This aura was It is already beyond the human breath and close to the realm of God.

At this moment, the whole world looked at the god-like figure on the screen and couldn’t make a sound. Even if they looked at Li Yi’s figure through the screen, it seemed as if a huge god appeared in their mind, making people breathless. .

Just looking at each other for a second, ordinary people no longer dared to look directly at Li Yi’s figure. They lowered their heads and did not dare to look directly at the figure that was like a god. Gods cannot be looked directly at.

The excited Barrett finished charging up and a blue-purple beam of destructive light erupted from the steel behemoth, cracking the ground and shattering everything it passed.

This breath full of destructive power shot towards Li Yi, but Li Yi in the form of the Thunder Emperor was extremely calm, looking coldly at the beam of light that destroyed the world, and slowly stretched out his right hand.

The beam of light that destroyed the world was easily blocked, and no matter how hard Barrett tried, he couldn’t get closer.

Barrett: “How is that possible? This is too strong!”

Barrett looked at the scene in disbelief. His strongest attack was easily grasped by others. He was like an insignificant person trying to shake a huge mountain.

The next moment, I saw Li Yi holding the blue-purple light beam with his right hand and throwing it into the sky. The blue-purple light beam seemed to make a sharp turn and shoot away into the sky.


Suddenly, a huge sound erupted from the sky, and the loud noise could be heard even on nearby islands in the distance.

The red-haired man on the sea looked up at the terrifying energy exploding in the sky and was speechless for a long time. The dazzling light seemed to illuminate the entire sea area.

Li Yi: “This is your strongest attack, not bad!”

The indifferent words were like an adult praising a child, which made Barrett extremely angry!

The giant steel beast let out a thundering roar, and slapped Li Yi with its remaining left arm.

Li Yi: “Presumptuous!”

Li Yi: “Zha Xiu, do I give you permission to move?”

Li Yi: “Thunder Lock!”

Li Yi’s voice was not loud, but it reverberated in everyone’s ears like thunder. The next moment, dark clouds of thunder appeared above the steel behemoth, and chains formed by golden thunder flew out of the clouds.

The golden thunder chains instantly wrapped around the huge body of the steel behemoth, and its arms, legs, and head were tightly sealed, making it impossible to move.


Golden lightning appeared on the chain, and the powerful current penetrated the steel behemoth’s exterior and reached inside, causing Barrett to scream.

“How is it possible that Haki can’t defend against these thunder and lightning!”

Barrett in the Iron Behemoth was shocked to find that Haki was unable to resist the golden thunder and lightning, and his body was numb from the electricity.

In fact, Barrett’s domineering power is enough to withstand the attack of any natural devil fruit in the world, but now he is facing the thunder and lightning produced by the natural power of heaven and earth. Thunder and lightning are the most destructive force in the world.

Whether it is Akainu, Aoji, Kizaru, Ace, or Enel, all natural elemental powers are emitted from the Devil Fruit in their bodies, and are powers created by the fruit’s ability.

They are not like Li Yi who can control the power of thunder and lightning in the world with a wave of his hand at this moment. Just like Akainu, although he has rock berry fruit ability, he cannot control the magma in all the volcanoes in the world.

Although Aokiji has the ability to freeze fruits, he can only emit freezing air from his body to lower the temperature, and cannot freeze everything with a wave of his hand.

This is because they can only use their inner strength instead of controlling the power of heaven and earth, but no one has been able to do this in all eternity.

“God’s Judgment!”

With a roar, the dark clouds above the steel giant beast surged with thunder. Golden thunder and lightning continued to condense into the dark clouds, and then a dazzling golden light was revealed in the dark clouds.

A huge golden sword condensed in the dark clouds, and the sword tip slowly emerged from the dark clouds.

It’s already far away on the sea

The red-haired pirates and the white-bearded pirates were stunned when they saw the giant kenma hanging in the sky. Even though they were far away from Malinfando, they could still feel the power of destroying the world.

“What happened to Malinfando?”

The red-haired man furrowed his brows and this power actually appeared. The civil war country of Marinefando was shocked when he looked at the giant sword hanging in the sky. He quickly shouted to all the marines: “All marines stay away immediately, and all marines go to the coast immediately.” run!”

In an instant, all the navies frantically moved away from the center of the battlefield. Sengoku knew that this one shot would kill Malinfando.

The giant sword fell and was shattered. The giant steel beast’s huge body was split in half by the golden giant sword, and then burst out with a dazzling light that could not be seen directly.


This loud noise shocked the sea, and a huge mushroom-like cloud bloomed in Marineland, and the power it erupted went in all directions.

Huge waves were set off wherever they passed, like the wrath of the gods. The red-haired man on the bow looked at what was happening in front of him with a pale face.

The hurricane that the golden giant sword burst out with power blew in, and it was extremely hot.

At this moment, the steel behemoth Bullt created by Barrett was destroyed in ashes, and a huge and unfathomable hole was opened in Marine Fando.

All the naval forces crowded on the shore quickly took pictures at the first moment of the explosion, and the aftermath of the explosion of the golden giant sword swept over like a huge mountain.

They lowered their heads and did not dare to look at what was happening in front of them. One unlucky guy looked up out of curiosity and was blinded.

Marie Gioia

In the power room in Pangu City, the five old stars were also watching the live broadcast. When they saw Li Yi’s god-like figure, they became uneasy and stood up one after another to stare at Li Yi.

Marcus Saint: “I never thought that after a hundred years, there would still be people who could break the limit and get close to the realm of God!”

Saint Zambalong Nasshoulang: “Although there were people who reached the realm of gods hundreds of years ago, there has never been anyone who reached the realm of gods with natural abilities!”

Saint Jegalcia Satan: “This is simply impossible. If you want to fully grasp the power of natural elements, you will inevitably be assimilated by the rules of this world.”

Topman Woqiu Lisheng: “But the Thunder Imp broke this restriction and became an unprecedented natural god!”

Shepard 10. Peter St.: “This means that the Thunder Imp is no longer an existence that we can control. He has directly become an existence that can threaten us.”

Zambalong V. Nasshou Langsheng: “Now he has jumped out of the chessboard and has the qualifications to become a chess player!”

Markus Mas Saint: “The handling of Thunder can only be decided by Lord Yimu now!”

The five old stars were unanimously silent. They never thought that Li Yi could reach the realm of gods!

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