“Of course I don’t want to see the navy completely reduced to a tool, so I recommend Aokiji to be the next marshal of the navy!”

“But your plan disrupted everything, and after this battle, there will definitely be turmoil within the navy. I’m afraid that the navy’s strength will be greatly reduced by then!”

Warring States expressed his concerns. Li Yi’s plan was too bold, but doing so was likely to greatly reduce the strength of the navy. In today’s complex and dangerous environment in the new world, once the strength of the navy weakens, it will not be able to suppress the attacks on the sea. Pirates.

“Don’t worry, I have already thought of countermeasures. Under the leadership of the new marshal, the navy will become even stronger!”

“Now let’s watch this battle between ice and fire!”

The three people stood in a triangle in the center of the island. By now Aokiji had understood that no matter what, he could not hold the position of marshal.

But no matter what, we must prevent Akainu from winning, even if Kizaru wins in the end.

Akainu: “Bosalilu, please step back. No matter what, the position of marshal is already yours. The next thing is the feud between Aokiji and me!”

Aokiji: “Yes, Akainu has some things that should be resolved!”

Kizaru ∑ (O_O;): “This is the rhythm of winning by lying down!”

Kizaru never thought that he would come here to make a show and then win the position of navy marshal while lying down. The result was a huge upset.

However, Kizaru watched Akainu and Aoki stare at each other coldly, and his aura continued to rise. Kizaru suddenly felt hot and cold, as if he was in a world of ice and fire.

The next moment, hot magma continued to erupt from Akainu’s body, and the magma continued to drip onto the ground, making the area where Akainu was located like hell.

The moment Akainu activated his Devil Fruit ability, Aokiji’s Devil Fruit ability was activated immediately. The freezing cold air exploded, and the ground under his feet instantly formed a thick layer of ice, spreading in all directions.

When the two devil fruits exploded with full force, the environment of Punkhasa Island was completely changed, and the entire island became a world of ice and fire.

“Hey, hey, it’s so dangerous!”

Ordinary people could not survive in such an extreme environment. Even without the strength of a major general, it would be difficult to stand in such an environment. Kizaru immediately turned into a point of light and left the battlefield.

Akainu (▼へ▼メ): “You can never forget that incident. Since that incident, you have become lazy and have no drive to destroy pirates like before.”

Aoki╰_╯: “Yes, no one will forget such a thing. Killing unarmed civilians in the name of justice is no different from pirates!”

Akainu (▼へ▼メ): “Privately studying the historical text to explore the blank history. Those O’Hara scholars have violated the areas prohibited by the world government. This is a crime and should be eliminated!”

Aoki Σ(▼□▼メ): “Enough of Akainu, they are just a group of pure scholars and cannot threaten the existence of the World Government. In order to cover up the secret, the World Government actually used the Demon Slaughter Order!”

Aoki Σ(▼□▼メ): “Who is committing the crime, Akainu?”

Ao Pheasant Σ(▼□▼メ): “The real crime is the World Government!”

At this moment, Aokiji seemed to be shouting out the anger he had accumulated for many years. Warring States, who was watching the battle from a distance, was extremely shocked when he heard Aokiji’s angry shouts. He was shocked that Aokiji dared to say such words.

“Haha, that guy Kuzan finally said what he had been holding in his heart for many years.”

Garp burst into laughter, seeming to be very happy to hear Qing Pheasant say this.

Sengoku (‡▼Benefit▼): “Shut up Garp and eat your donuts.”

Garp→_→: “What are you afraid of during the Warring States Period? There are no people from the World Government here.”

Kizaru ((((;゜Д゜)))): “It’s too scary. Aokiji dares to say such things. What do you want?”

Li Yi looked at the world of ice and fire in front of him, looked at the confrontation between Akainu and Aokiji, and sighed, it was still an O’Hara incident after all!

22 years ago, O’Hara, the famous archaeological holy land in the West Sea, gathered outstanding scholars from all over the world to interpret the truth of history from the historical text. Therefore, the world government launched a demon-slaying order to destroy it.

Aokiji also had doubts about the justice he insisted on because he witnessed the various brutal acts of the World Government and Akainu’s callous order to bombard O’Hara. To put it simply, his heart collapsed and he fell into confusion.

“Stupid guy!”

“Some secrets cannot be touched. Can you predict what impact these secrets will have on the world?”

“You always sympathize with O’Hara’s group of scholars, but the results of their research are enough to change the world, and even plunge the world into chaos!”

“I would rather do something wrong than put the world in danger!”


Inu responded to Aokiji equally loudly. Regarding the O’Hara incident, Akainu never thought that he had done anything wrong and was firm in his belief in justice.

Qing Pheasant: “It seems that we are not on the same path after all. I still can’t agree with your justice!”

Akainu: “Me too, so let’s end everything here!”

Akainu: “Pluto!”

Blue Pheasant: “Storm Cone Bird!”

Akainu blasted out his lava-spewing arm, and his fist of lava spurted out. He faced Aokiji head-on and formed an ice bird from the condensed right arm of Aokiji.


The hot magma fist collided with the ice bird, making a loud roar, and the aftermath spread in all directions, setting off huge waves in the sea near Punkhasa Island.

The conflicting forces of ice and fire caused the sky and the earth to change color and become covered with dark clouds, and the entire island shook.


His right hand continued to fight against Akainu, while five ice balls condensed on the palm of his left hand, and the five ice balls flew towards Akainu.


The five ice balls instantly formed a huge ice ball, freezing Akainu, but it was quickly melted by the hot magma.

However, in a short period of time, Aokiji immediately used “Shaving”, moved his body instantly and appeared in front of Akainu, and quickly condensed two ice spears with his hands to shoot at Akainu.

“Canine-toothed Red Lotus!”

Facing the two ice spears shot by Aokiji, the lava spurting from Akainu’s right fist turned into the shape of a dog’s head. The magma dog’s head opened its bloody mouth and bit off the two ice spears that flew towards Aokiji.


Before the magma dog even got close, it was cut in half by the ice knife condensed in Aoki’s hand.

With a “whoosh” sound, Akainu used “Shaving” to approach Aokiji, and the magma fist blasted out.

“Dong dong dong!”

The blazing fists collided with the ice skates, making a series of sounds like drums. The two sides engaged in fierce close combat without any dodge. The fists hit the flesh and the swords touched the bones.

There were large and small scars on the bodies of the two of them, and there were several burn wounds on Qingzhi’s body, which smelled like barbecue.

Akainu was not much better either. He had several stab wounds all over his body, and the wounds were covered with thick frost.

The two sides fought with red eyes and attacked without fear of pain, making Sengoku, Garp, Li Yi, and Kizaru who were watching the battle take a breath. This is a rhythm that is going to death!

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