Li Yi, who had experienced countless battles across the world, was dumbfounded. He never expected Maya to be so enthusiastic.

The pink sparks were completely detonated, and a primitive war was about to break out. The Thunder Emperor fought against the Celestial Dragons!

The news of Li Yi’s stay at Maya’s residence immediately reached Doflamingo, who called him a bullshit.

That was the next heir of the Zambalong family, and he was not afraid of death when he touched him and even pushed him. He was not afraid of the bald man in the Holy Land chasing him with a knife!

Doflamingo really wanted to see the reaction of the Five Old Stars after knowing this, but Doflamingo didn’t know at this moment that a restoration operation against him was going on in the dark night.

There is a kingdom underground on Greenbit Island, where the small human tribe of Dontata lives.

The small humans of Dontata are only the size of a palm and live underground. They are born with the ability to cultivate plants, so they were tricked by Doflamingo into cultivating artificial devil fruits.

At this moment, two uninvited guests were welcomed into the Dontata Kingdom. They covered their faces with cloaks.

Leo, the leader of the Dongtata Corps, led his tribe to take up arms and face the two strangers who broke in.

“Stop, who are you?”

“How do you know the location of our Dongtata Kingdom?”

Leo held the weapon and looked at the two of them solemnly. The location of the underground kingdom was very secret. Apart from themselves, only their captain knew it, but their captain had disappeared for a while.

“Leo it’s me, Cyrus!”

One of them lifted his cloak and revealed his face, it was their missing captain Cyrus.

But Leo seemed unable to recognize Cyrus, who had regained his human body, and looked at Cyrus in surprise.

In order to convince Leo of his identity, Cyrus revealed the two’s plan to overthrow Doflamingo and their memories of forming a team together.

“Are you really Captain Cyrus?”

“Captain Cyrus, how did you recover?”

Leo looked at Cyrus in surprise, their captain was finally back.

“Who is the other captain?”

Leo looked at the person next to Cyrus in confusion, and the latter immediately lifted his cloak.

Gan Qiao, the king of the Tata tribe, recognized his identity at a glance and shouted in shock: “His Majesty King Liku!”

It was King Liku who came to the underground kingdom with Cyrus.

Gan Qiao looked at King Liku excitedly and said, “Your Majesty King Liku, I thought you were dead back then!”

“I’m not dead. I’ve been hiding in Dressrosa all these years just to overthrow Doflamingo and take back the country.”

“And now the time has come, and we have powerful help.”

“This time we will definitely overthrow Doflamingo and recapture Dressrosa!”

King Riku said loudly and excitedly, and the Dongtata tribe was very excited after hearing this. What they had been planning for many years was finally coming true.

That night Cyrus and the Liku King Dontata clan made an action plan, and the time of action was set for tomorrow when the game starts.

Tomorrow, most of the cadres and members of the Don Quixote family will come to Greenbit, and the defense of King’s Heights will be weakened.

This will be a good opportunity to rescue Princess Manshirri who is imprisoned by Doflamingo.

In addition to rescuing Princess Mansheli, she also needs to take this opportunity to scare Sugar, the leader of the Don Quixote family, into unconsciousness.

Only when Sugar’s ability to scare the childish fruit out will be released, those people turned into dolls by Sugar will regain their human bodies.

The moment those dolls regain their bodies, the truth is revealed, and it is also the moment Doflamingo falls.

Because those dolls were turned into dolls by Sugar when Doflamingo overthrew King Riku, and they are all citizens of Dressrosa.

At the same time, the Navy will also take action at the same time. The Blade Team will attack the artificial Devil Fruit factory and rescue the five hundred imprisoned mini-humans.

And while rescuing five hundred mini-humans, he can also take control of the artificial devil fruit factory.

On this side, Cyrus was discussing the battle plan with the small humans. On the other side, in the palace where the Celestial Dragons lived in the King’s Highlands, a primitive battle had reached an extremely fierce stage.

From the closed door came a series of exciting and ecstatic sounds. The sounds were sometimes low and sometimes high, just like a moving sound of nature, which made people want to stop!

Although the two Celestial Dragon maids guarding the gate were already wearing earplugs, the moving voice still faintly reached their ears, and the two maids’ faces turned red instantly.

The two of them were shocked at this moment. They never expected that Lord Maya, who was usually noble, elegant and inviolable, would be like this.

That extremely handsome admiral was so powerful. When they thought of Li Yi’s handsome face, the two maids instantly imagined themselves to be Maya, and their bodies felt like electricity spread through them, making them weak.

Don’t say keep it

The maid at the gate couldn’t help but fantasize, and even the Celestial Dragon guard ten meters away couldn’t help but fantasize.

The moving voice was also faintly heard by the Heavenly Dragon guards, who never expected that anyone would dare to ride a dragon.

That is the descendant of the world’s noble god, and now he is singing about conquest. Can you believe it?

In an instant, these people couldn’t stop gushing their admiration for Li Yi.

This battle to subdue the dragon ended with Maya making a very high-pitched sound.

After a battle, the room was devastated, with high-heeled shoes, dresses, and other small equipment scattered all over the floor.

Maya, who had suffered from thunder and rain, lay tiredly on Li Yi’s body, with a touching red rhyme on her face.

Those eyes looking at Li Yi were full of love, and he couldn’t help but kiss that handsome face.


“Brother Yi, you are so awesome!”

Maya was completely conquered by Li Yi at this moment, and this was the man who was worthy of him.

“Of course I’m great!”

“I am the man who subdued the Celestial Dragons!”

Li Yi looked at Maya with a smirk on his face, and at the same time, his claws didn’t stop.

The sun, moon and stars are constantly deforming under the claws of the devil, and then the fire of desire that has just subsided is burning again.

Happy time always passes quickly, and the sun shines into the room and wakes up Li Yi from his deep sleep.

When she woke up, she found that Li Yi had disappeared. After asking the maid, she found out that Maya had rushed to Greenbit, the venue for the competition.

When Li Yi woke up, many powerful people had gathered in Greenbit. A group of people gathered on the beach of Greenbit Island waiting for the game to start.

Blackbeard took Qing Pheasant, and Shiliu wore a cloak and hid among the many candidates.

Ace and Marco also wore cloaks to hide themselves. They didn’t want to reveal their identities too early, so as not to cause the rest of the group to gang up.

As the VIP player of this competition, Tianlongren did not wait at the beach with many players, but waited for the start of the competition on a luxurious and comfortable boat.

Maya is in very good condition today, her face is shining with a moving red light, and her whole body is full of energy, as if she has been injected with a powerful energy!

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