“Hey, send me someone to the desert, and bring a doctor with me!”

“Hold Crocodile’s life, and keep Crocodile to promote it at the press conference!”

He took out his phone and gave instructions to the navy soldiers on standby. Soon the navy soldiers on standby came with a stretcher. Crocodile was briefly treated and put on sea-floor stone handcuffs.

After solving Crocodile, Li Yi returned to the royal capital Arubana and walked alone on the streets. At this time, the Straw Hats were fighting with the staff of Baroque Studio, and suddenly they remembered that Nami was also fighting with a staff of Baroque Studio nearby.

He activated his knowledge and Haki to scan the entire Arubana, and quickly determined Nami’s position. He ducked in the direction of Nami, and instantly arrived at the location of the battle. He stood on top of a house and looked down at the scene. A battle.

In the streets, Nami fights with Pola from Baroque Studio. Pola, codenamed MISS.DOUBLE FINGER, has the ability of the thorn fruit, and her whole body can become extremely sharp. He has a blue afro, walks awkwardly and wears a brown tights, and usually runs a bar!

At this moment, Nami was relying on the weather stick invented by Usopp to resist Bora’s attack with difficulty. As an ordinary person who has not experienced any combat training, it is not easy to be able to endure the attack of a Devil Fruit user for so long.

The ability of the thorn fruit can turn any part of Pola’s body into a sharp weapon. Nami’s body was covered with scars under Pola’s attack. This is not so much a battle as a one-sided massacre.

Seeing that Nami’s physical strength was almost exhausted, Paula launched a fatal blow. He jumped into the air and kicked Nami down. The foot became extremely sharp, and this foot was not only fatal but also seriously injured.

Nami was also extremely frightened at this time. She was helpless and could only raise the weather stick in her hand to resist, closing her eyes and waiting for the attack to come. However, the expected pain did not come. What he saw when he opened his eyes was a young naval admiral wearing a white justice coat. He easily pinched Pola’s sharp foot with one hand and waved it directly. Throwing it aside, its force caused Pola to directly hit the house next to the street.

“It’s okay, beautiful lady!”

The handsome face with golden hair and the powerful aura on his body made Nami lose consciousness for a while. Those eyes stared directly into her own eyes, sucking in Nami’s soul like a vortex.

“Thank you for helping me!”

After coming back to her senses, Nami’s face turned red. She didn’t know why she was shy. In the past, she was indifferent to Sanji’s sweet words. But now when she faced this young naval admiral, she actually felt a little nervous in her heart. Feel.


At this time, Pola, who had crashed into the house, walked out of the house, looked at Li Yi who suddenly appeared, and started to curse.

“Damn navy, how dare you disturb my business!”

However, when Paula saw Li Yi’s appearance clearly, she broke out in cold sweat. A sense of fear emerged from the bottom of her heart and her whole body trembled involuntarily. She trembled and said: “Thundering Swordsman, Rear Admiral Li Yi!”

Knowing that she was outmatched, Pola turned around and ran away, but how could Li Yi let her go? With a finger of his right hand, the power bursting out from his fingertips was like a bullet.


A derivative skill of the flying finger gun six-style finger gun, the attack of the flying finger gun instantly penetrated Pola’s chest, instantly causing Pola to lose the ability to fight and fall to the ground.

Nami’s mouth opened wide when she saw this, looking at this scene in disbelief. The Devil Fruit user was defeated easily. Suddenly, there was a burst of pain and weakness in her body. The large amount of blood loss made Nami unsteady, but a strong arm hugged her tightly.

Li Yi: “You are seriously injured, why don’t I take you to heal!”

At this time, Nami thought of her identity as a pirate, and wanted to refuse, but Li Yi had already carried her to a house like a princess.

In the room, Li Yi gently treated every wound of Nami. Because she was wearing the clothes of a dancing girl, she could immediately see her beautiful figure.

Nami⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄: “Why do you always stare at people.”

Li Yi(#^.^#): “I have no choice but to blame Nami, you are too beautiful.”

The sudden collision caused Nami to make a painful sound.

Nami(•́へ•́╬): “It hurts!”

Li Yi^_^: “Sorry, I bumped into it accidentally.”

Li Yi: “Miss Nami looks like a member of the Straw Hats, so she must be a pirate!”

Li Yi: “You don’t want to stay in a place like Impel Down City for the rest of your life, right?”

These words made Nami break into a cold sweat. If the rear admiral wanted to arrest her, she would have no power to resist.

Even Luffy might not be able to save her. The opponent is the youngest great swordsman in history, and Nami has read a lot of news about Li Yi in the newspapers, a man who can fight with the world’s best swordsman.

Her mind was running rapidly, thinking of various ways, and soon Nami remembered various rumors. It was said that Rear Admiral Li Yi was extremely romantic, had countless beauties around him, and was known as a romantic swordsman.

So he immediately pretended to be pitiful, with tears in his eyes that made people angry and loving. But how could Li Yi take advantage of Nami? Nami is the smartest among the Straw Hats and has the title of “Little Thieving Cat”.

Li Yi: “Put away your tears, I’m not that kind of person!”

Nami saw that pretending to be pitiful was of no use, so she began to dance in front of Li Yi. Her proud figure and hot dance moves instantly attracted Li Yi.

Seeing the shining light in Li Yi’s eyes, Nami smiled secretly.

Seemingly seeing Nami’s snickering, Li Yi suddenly changed his face and said, “Please don’t do this. I am a righteous navy, and I swear that I will never fight against gambling and drug addiction!”

After hearing this, Nami stopped dancing and pretended to be sad: “I just want to show off my talent!”

Li Yi: “Actually, you haven’t done anything bad. I can consider not arresting you, but I want to see if you have other talents. What else do you have?”

Nami⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄: “I’m also proficient in various musical instruments!”

Nami’s face turned red after saying this, but she was filled with excitement and wanted to play a song.

Li Yi smiled slightly after hearing this, touched Nami’s red face and said, “Can you play a song for me?”

Nami: “No problem, it’s my first time to play, please give me more guidance!”

Li Yi: “Don’t worry, I’m a master of physical arts!”

As the musical instruments appear and the singing sounds, the house smells like the breath of spring, which is not a good season, and it is like the waves of the sea rushing endlessly, making you feel soul-stirring!

After the song ended, Li Yi helped Nami out of the house, and happened to run into Sanji coming towards her. Sanji saw that Nami was limping and thought he was injured by Li Yi.

Immediately a devil’s kick came over, but Li Yi easily blocked it.

Nami: “Sanji, stop it, he is not a bad person, he saved me!”

After hearing Nami’s words, Sanji quickly apologized to Li Yi, but when he saw Nami’s flushed face, he asked strangely: “Nami-san, why are your face so red?”

Nami: “It’s too hot.”

Sanji: “Nami-san, why are your knees red? What happened?”

Nami blushed and lied to Sanji: “It was injured during the battle.”

Sanji: “Beside your mouth…”

At this time, Sanji was like a curious baby asking questions, which provoked Nami to punch him.

Nami: “Idiot, why don’t you help me? Hurry up and find the others!”

After being beaten, Sanji quickly supported Nami, and then said to Li Yi: “You are an upright navy!”

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