Although Lin Yi w right, he forgot that the fleet he w now leading, the gunfire of the 7 warships added up to thousands of cannons, and what a volley of shells a volley w.

Not to mention the Et China Sea, even the other four se, there are only a handful of people who can continuously resist these shells.

Shortly after the fleet left, a small flat boat that could only accommodate one person slowly rowed over.

“Hmm? Why is it gone? ”

A man standing on the boat with a crossed black knife, a top hat and eagle-like eyes looked at the half-broken pirate flag on the sea and muttered.

The Klick Pirates were destroyed in an instant, and not only Hawkeye couldn’t understand what w going on, but another person didn’t know what w going on.

This person is Akin, the cadre who left the Klick Pirate Group a day earlier!

At this moment, he w leaning in a corner of the sea restaurant, looking at the young man in front of him who handed him a plate of food.


Only after being flattened by a chef here, Ajin, who w hungry and tired, and still had a bloody face, looked at the fragrant food in front of him, and his throat couldn’t help but grunt.

But what is he here for? He’s here to hit the front station! How can you accept the handouts of the people here?

“Hmph! Less verbosity! Go away! No matter how down you are! I won’t eat what comes from me! Take the meal away! ”

The food given to him w naturally Yamaji, the current sous chef of the sea restaurant, who sat on the side of the ship and smoked a cigarette.

“Stop talking nonsense! Eat quickly! For me… long the stomach is hungry, everyone is a guest! ”

“。。。 Sorry, I’m not a guest! ”

Akin admired the young man, but he knew that it would not be long before his boss would come, everyone here would die, and the wealth here would be plundered.

But already tired and hungry, his stomach gurgled honestly.

After Yamaji told a period of his own feelings, Akin finally finished eating the food on his plate with tears in his eyes, and his heart w extremely entangled.

He is grateful to Sanji for being kind to him and appreciates him, but perhaps he will soon kill Yamaji with his own hands, and this pain leaves him in tears.

At this moment, a young man wearing a straw hat suddenly appeared from the top of the ship, it w Luffy.

“Hey~ cook! Join us! ”


“Be the cook on my pirate ship!”



In the end, Sanji still didn’t promise Luffy.

Thirty nautical miles away from the sea restaurant, seven warships were approaching at a rapid pace.

“My lord! Thirty nautical miles away is the sea restaurant Bharati! ”

Hearing the report of the herald navy, all the women became excited.

Ain: “Wow~ finally coming~!” ”

Dusty: “Huh? I heard that the food there is delicious! ”

Kalifa: “Yes, if you don’t make a reservation in the restaurant, there is no place in many ces!” ”

Perona: “Really? ”

Nami: “Noki Gao~ Let’s go eat a big meal!” ”

Nuo Qigao: “Hmm~ I heard that the soup there is good!” ”

Robin: “Hmm~ very interesting look!” ”

Vivi: “Eat delicious!” ”


Looking at the women with an expectant face, Lin Yi smiled and waved his hand.

“Speed up! Today we will eat at the Sea Restaurant! Keep a close eye on the two sea kings dragged behind the battleship, and let them do it when the time comes, so that everyone can eat the food of the sea restaurant! ”


The navy, who had thought that the Shanghai restaurant Bharati would not have their share at all, suddenly cheered.

But think about it, 7 warships add up to nearly 10,000 people, if the sea restaurant wants to complete the food used by so many people on its own, it is estimated that even if the hand is broken, it may not be able to make it.

But Lin Yi doesn’t care about this, he h to do it if he can’t do it!

It’s a big deal that the chef of the Navy also went to help the cook, in short, today you must eat the food of the sea restaurant!

Soon, on the calm blue sea, a small black dot could already be seen in the distance, which w the sea restaurant Bharati!

Sanji, who w constantly refusing Luffy’s invitation, looked strangely at the row of black dots that appeared in the sky.

“Huh? What is that? Wouldn’t you be a diner too? ”

Luffy scratched his head.

“Is it strange that there are guests coming? You’re a restaurant, isn’t it for guests? ”

“Boom! I didn’t talk to you!。。。 But all the people who made an appointment today have arrived… What’s going on! ”

Sea restaurants are very famous in the Et China Sea, but they also have some unwritten rules.

Almost everyone on this sea knows that if you want to marry a restaurant on the sea, you must first reserve a place, otherwise you may not have to eat.

If you want to be tough by force, then this restaurant will definitely tell you that what is called a chef is not ey to mess with!

Over the years, people who come to dine, whether they are nobles, navies, or pirates, have also adhered to this rule.

Therefore, Yamaji wondered why a few more ships came, and because the distance w too far, he could not see what kind of ship w in trouble.

But the opponent’s course is clear, definitely towards Bharati.

“Shhh~whew~no matter! It’s not an appointment, it’s useless to come! ”

Although he said so, Sanji left the road and walked into the cabin quickly, and this matter must be told to the old man Zhepu.

Luffy looked strangely into the distance, the row of black dots w very ft, and it w estimated that it would take less than half an hour to get here.

“Hmm~ what is that? How can there be a bad premonition… ”

“Hey! Brat! If you have nothing to do, come and brush the dishes! ”

Without waiting for Luffy to continue observing, there w a roar from the kitchen, Luffy shrunk his neck, answered and ran in, who let him smh a hole in the boat.

That row of black dots quickly revealed its true identity, wn’t it the formation of battleships such the Emperor!

“Report my lord! Discover a pirate ship after the Bharati ship! According to the intelligence network search, it is the newcomer pirate in the Et China Sea, Straw Hat Luffy! ”

Listening to his subordinate’s report, Lin Yi waved his hand and signaled that he didn’t need to care.

“Luffy! Hehe~ Finally going to meet! ”

A figure quickly ran over and saluted in front of Lin Yi.

“My lord! I heard Luffy is over there? ”

Looking at this excited rear admiral, Lin Yi smiled dumbly, he forgot about this stubble.

“Saab! You don’t have to be so excited, do you? ”

Saab scratched his head.

“I haven’t seen this unresuring brother for a long time, and I’m going to see him soon, I’m a little excited!”

“Hehe~ don’t forget your own identity!”

Hearing Lin Yi’s reminder, Sabo w stunned, and then looked at Lin Yi in disbelief.

“Great… My lord… You… You wouldn’t be intending to… My lord… He.. He’s my brother… Plee let him go… ”

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