One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 116

After hearing Ye Tong's words, the crane here was also silent.

"You mean, some of the Ohara historians here have been taken away, right?"

"And, do you know who I'm talking about?"

The crane said again.

Ye Tong was also taken aback when he heard the crane's words.

Indeed, these people are basically impossible to know according to their first time out to sea.

But I've been keeping an eye on Robin and her parents before.

After I went, I also inquired about it by the way.

Crane wants to know this information too easily.

In other words, now the crane has even begun to doubt his relationship with the dragon.

You know, Marine's brains are not for nothing.

"The person you're talking about is Nico Oro Wea, and Binlu Laksky and his wife."

"When I was there before, there was a help from Hina here. Let me see who are the more active historians here."

"I originally wanted to meet up there, but after I asked the people here, I found out that Pirate had come here before and brought them all with me. Let's go."

Ye Tong said again.

"I see."

"Ohara has already reported the loss here, and the radical historians have basically been taken away."

"You Do you know, who is the Pirate who took them away?"

The crane asked again.

"Yes, it's my Sensei's son, Monkey D Dorag."

Ye Tong said directly without hiding anything.

"The information is very good, this matter, the above should respond quickly."

"So, pay attention."

"Okay. I'll hang up first."

After the crane finished speaking, he also hung up the phone directly.

“elder sister is so strange, why are you asking Ye Tong about these things?”

Gion also said with a puzzled look after putting away his Den Den Mushi. .

After all, Ye Tong here is not Marine who is in charge of intelligence.

"Maybe you want to get my attention, don't be targeted by these Pirates."

"Okay, you guys keep fishing, I'm going to cultivation."


After Ye Tong finished speaking, he also left the front deck, and Alone walked to the stern.

"Sir, is this already exposed?"

Issho also walked to Ye Tong's side and said slowly.

"Maybe, but they won't do anything to me."

"As long as I don't do anything on the surface, nothing on the surface."


Ye Tong said calmly.

"If the adults are discovered, won't we also become the object of the bounty conquered by the world?"

Issho asked again.

"Bounty me, as long as I don't betray Marine, Celestial Dragon here can't bounty me directly."

Ye Tong said confidently.

You must know that the entire world's government and government rely on Marine to maintain order.

If a general is in office and is bounty without evidence, it is estimated that it will cause quite a stir in Marine.

Also, Ye Tong's relationship now is not an ordinary general!

This is why Ye Tong has this confidence.

Issho left immediately after hearing this.

As long as Ye Tong has a good understanding of what's going to happen next, he doesn't have to worry about what he's going to do.

Besides, since he just contacted Ye Tong until now.

The improvement of Ye Tong's strength can be described as terrifying.

That is to say, it won't be long before he will see his face.

Since this world, it is still the world of powerhouse!

After Issho left, Ye Tong also took out a Den Den Mushi.

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