One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 127

As the proverbs landed, Enel was a little confused.

Other Skypiea people are also confused, this is God!

Are you defeated by the blue sea people?

Even the ark was shot down!


Ye Tong turned on Busoshoku Haki, and instantly appeared in front of Enel.

"I think we should be able to chat now, right?"

Ye Tong said slowly with a smile that he thought was very kind.



"This is Mr. Ye Tong, please pay attention to your words!"

< p> At this time, Issho also appeared in front of Enel, and a gravitational force instantly pressed Enel to the ground.

You know, with Ye Tong's actions again and again, the position in Issho's heart is already the master.

The big-eared thief in front of him was defeated, but he still wanted to speak rudely.

Issho's warrior said, can't allow it.

He was very confused at first, but now he is guided by Ye Tong.

So, no disrespect from others who are not allowed.

"Mr. Issho, we are not here to fight."

"Although Enel's strength is weaker now, there is still room for improvement."

"In the future, it will be a great help for us."

Ye Tong also said quickly.

After all, he's here to recruit Enel, so he can't get rid of his temper as soon as he comes up, right?

After hearing Ye Tong's words, Issho also withdrew his abilities.

"Lord Ye Tong, what is the Shichibukai you just said?"

At this time, Enel is not like at first.

After all, the premise of arrogance is absolute strength.

He's not an idiot, he's a douchebag if he can't beat him and pretend to be a jerk.

"This, let's see."

Ye Tong also took out the document describing Shichibukai and handed it to Enel.

"By the way, Enel, did you eat Goro Goro no Mi?"

"I ask you a question, did you leave any residual kernels when you ate it? "

Ye Tong asked again while Enel was looking at the document.

This is the most important purpose of coming here!

Now I have the Ice Attribute ability brought by the essence of the devil, if coupled with the ability of Goro Goro no Mi.

It's another huge improvement for my battle strength!


"But this thing, doesn't it mean that after taking a small bite, the rest is useless?"

Enel has some doubts looking at Ye Tong.

When he ate Goro Goro no Mi, it was because he was too hungry.

But after taking the first bite, and wanting to eat the second one, I just can't take it anymore!

That terrifying smell is really like its name, a devilish smell.

Even now, Enel still feels a little uncomfortable.

"very good, when the time comes give me the residual core, I will be useful."

"Gion, you asked Enel to take you around to play, I went to work. "

After Ye Tong finished speaking, he also disappeared quickly.

"Ye Tong..."

"Really, how can anyone come out on a date and work?"

Gion complained a little.

However, she also knew what Ye Tong called work.

So, just complaining.

"Mr. Issho, right?"

"Blue Sea, are all powerhouses like yours?"

Enel, after reading Shichibukai's introduction, He also said suspiciously.

"I'm just a blind, can't be considered powerhouse."

Issho lightly saying.

For a while, Enel's settings for the powerhouse were broken.

When I think that Blue Sea is such a powerhouse, I have an ambition to conquer.

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