One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 133

Just as Ye Tong was about to leave, news came from Kukuli.

This way, Doflamingo is here.

"Hehe, didn't expect Bellamy to call Doflamingo here?"

"Alright, this guy still owes me a lot What!"

Ye Tong said, also walking towards the coastline.

As for the title of Enel Shichibukai, it has been reported to Marine Headquarters.

As for what to do next, it's not something Ye Tong needs to think about.

Soon, Ye Tong came to the coastline.

After turning on the writing wheel, I also saw the Flamingo directly.

"This guy is real, he has his own country, and he likes to run around when he has nothing to do."

Ye Tong said flatly.

In less than an hour, Brother Ming's boat also appeared on the coast.

Soon, the people on the boat came down one by one.

"Doflamingo, Diamante, Trebol, Sugar..."

"Hehe, there are really a lot of people here!"

" Even Sugar has come, I guess he wants to be here and build his own country, right?"

Ye Tong looked at these people and had guesses.

"Young Master, you are finally here."

"Here, it has been..."


Before Bellamy could finish speaking, a lightning also fell from the sky.

Although Bellamy was not hit, he was interrupted.

"Donquixote · Doflamingo, one of Shichibukai."

"As expected, you are right, there are so many powerhouses below!"

At this time , a huge golden ship also appeared here.

"What is this?"

Looking at the motto in the air, Doflamingo frowned and said with some dissatisfaction.

"This is what I said, the golden ship that fell from the sky."

"I wanted to snatch it and give it to Young Master, but was stopped."


Bellamy also said quickly.


"Isn't Shichibukai restraining the existence of the emperor of the sea, and actually doing such a thing?"

"But , if you want to grab it, come here!"


After Enel finished speaking, he also started to attack directly.

Because Ye Tong said, if there is a Pirate to invade, just hit it.

"hmph, multicolored score!"

Doflamingo was also lifting his own hand, and instantly released a colorful line notation one after another, directly blocking thunderbird.

"Interesting...30 million volts Thunder Beast, 6000 volts Thunder Dragon!"

Enel also launched an attack again.

Brother Ming is also a little annoyed, this guy fights as soon as he comes up.

Just don't give face.

Thinking of this, Brother Ming lifted his hands and quickly released his fingers.

At the same time, it flew directly into the air, and silk threads shot out from behind Brother Ming.

"Brother Ming, are you here to return the trash?"

Just as the two were fighting, Ye Tong also walked over from one side and said indifferently.

Enel also returned to the ark after hearing what Ye Tong said.

And Doflamingo also raised his brows. Could this voice be...

"Ye Tong?"

After turning around, Brother Ming also called out in discomfort. the name.

"Really, I was thinking of going to find you after a while, but you came by yourself."

"Hurry up and give me the rubbish and come back to me. Go to your place."

"By the way, Gaya Island, I robbed it."

Ye Tong slowly said.

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