One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 141

Following the guesswork on Old Sand's side, it finally came up with the worst possible answer.

That is, Marine already knew what he wanted to do.

If that's the case, why give yourself the Shichibukai status?

At this time, Ye Tong was looking for a place to stay with Hina and the others.

They didn't want to go back right away, but planned to stay here.

Even though Ye Tong won't go out with them tomorrow, the two girls can go shopping by themselves.

It's hard to relax, and they are also very happy.

After some warm-up, the three of them also fell asleep.

Next day.

Ye Tong also went out early in the morning.

Let's not talk about Old Sand, but there is a country here.

Where there are people, there is Ye Tong's work.

Afterwards, Ye Tong also started to work.

At this time, people from the Baroque Works Organization were also monitoring Ye Tong's every move.

And, keep reporting to Sand Crocodile.

However, the reported situation is the same, Ye Tong is sweeping the floors from place to place.

Even, even the rubbish on the street was cleaned up by him.

"Does this guy really come here to pick up trash?"

Looking at the information in his hand and the news about Ye Tong.

Old Sand was also depressed.

After all, the guy who made himself worry all night just came to pick up the trash.

Such a result is unacceptable!

"Mr.1, go and get in touch."

"If you can kill it, kill it. If you can't kill it, bring him to see me."

Old Sand also made a decision after receiving the news.

This kind of uncontrollable and predictable person is the last thing he wants to contact.

Facing such an existence, there is only one best way, and that is to let him die forever.

"Got it."

Mr.1 left after replying.

At this time, Ye Tong was sweeping the floor on the street.

Because she was wearing Marine clothes, no one came up to stop her.

"Well, please let me go, you stepped on the trash."

Just as Ye Tong swept to one place, a broken newspaper was caught by a person in front of him. Stamped.

"xiu %..."

next moment, a sabre light flashed.


"Daz Bowness."

"It's Old Sand..."

"Master Slash ~!"

Not waiting for Ye Tong to finish speaking, Daz Bowness [Mr.1] also turned his fingers into sharp blades and attacked Ye Tong.

"Really, the clay figurine still has a three-point fire!"

"Ittoryu cut the water!"

Ye Tong also pulled out the spirit sound, Cut straight out.


After the two's attacks fell together, they also knocked Daz Bonis into the air.

"Not bad, but...weng!"

Ye Tong said, Busoshoku Haki instantly turned the spirit sound in his hand into a black blade.

"Soru! ~"

next moment, Ye Tong also appeared in front of Daz Bowness and slashed out with a sword.

"Kill people!"

Daz Bowness also collided with his fists instantly, increasing the hardness of his body again.

“chi... ”

However, this kind of hardness was like having no defense in front of Ye Tong.

A knife swung down, blood spattered everywhere.

"The president asked me to pick up Major General Ye Tong!"

Daz Bowness said quickly.

Because he knew that he was not the opponent of the person in front of him.

"Uh, let him wait."

"I still have something to do."

Ye Tong said, also put away the spirit sound, Then proceed to sweep the trash.

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