One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 145

When Issho and Ye Tong left the underground casino, Old Sand finally realized Ye Tong's terrifying.

This guy is a late stage obsessive-compulsive disorder.

I don't have any rubbish here anymore, so I have to make my own rubbish.

Mr.1's pain, he understands.

I only stayed with Ye Tong for a while, while Mr.1 followed Ye Tong for more than 20 days.

Originally, he was a little weird about Mr.1, but now it seems that he is simply too capable.

"Dark King, I know, is a legendary ancient weapon."

"Since you know his purpose is to find this thing, why leave it alone?"

"If such a weapon comes out, it will definitely start a killing."

After leaving the casino, Issho also said slowly.

"Coming out?"

"This thing, even if it is placed in front of him Old Sand now, he may not be able to open it."

"Also, Dark King should be broken by now, when the time comes when they find it, I'll come pick up a big piece of trash."

Ye Tong said with a smile.

Issho immediately felt sorry for Crocodile after hearing Ye Tong's words.

After working for a long time, I finally had to bring back rubbish to Ye Tong.

If this guy found out, he would probably cry, right?

Thinking of this, Issho didn't continue talking and followed behind Ye Tong.

Back in town, with Issho's mighty Kenbunshoku Haki, Hina and Gion are also quickly found shopping.

Take them back to the ship.

Then, I notified Yax and Kukuli and brought the others back.

After everyone arrived, Ye Tong also chose to set off directly.

For now, let's find Luffy first.

I'm almost sixteen years old. In the past four years, the strength of the three little ones should have improved to a certain extent.

And, the ghost knows if they will go to sea according to the original time?

So hurry up and find them and ask about Shanks by the way.

"Hina, directly lock Loguetown, we will go straight."

Ye Tong also made a decision.

"Hina got it."

After Hina complied, she also went to the top route and direction.

As for the rubbish of a lot of islands here, just wait until after meeting Luffy, come back!

More than ten days later, they also arrived at Reverse Mountain.

"By the way, Crocus and Laboon seem to be here."

"Let's drop by this Old Mister."

Ye Tong said, Also went to Crocus's location.

After arriving, Crocus is still here.

As the ship doctor of the original Pirate King Roger, he was here waiting for the Pirates where Brook was to come back to pick up Laboon.

“Yo, Crocus Old Mister.”

Ye Tong also greeted Crocus warmly after seeing him.

"Are you Marine?"

"What, are you here to arrest me?"

Crocus saw Ye Tong and their clothes, too. said directly.

After all, I was also a member of the Pirate King ship, so it was normal to think so.

"no no no, I'm not here to catch you."

"You are really dirty here, very good..."

Ye Tong After that, it's time to clean up the rubbish.

Ignorant Crocus left.

"Hello sir, we just want to ask for a glass of water."

At this time, Issho also walked up to Crocus and said slowly.


At this time, the ship doctor also recognized Issho.

When this guy killed himself, he fainted.

Later, he was rescued by a passing Crocus.

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