One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 148

Looking at the eternal pointer handed out by Crocus, Ye Tong also raised his hand to take it.

"Crocus uncle, aren't you afraid that I'm going to reproduce the Dark King?"

Ye Tong said with a smile.

"Recreating the Dark King doesn't depend on some wreckage."

"Ye Tong brat, which Sea Territory are you going to?"

< p>Crocus said indifferently.

"That's right."

"I'm going to East Blue to meet Roger's son."



next moment, a Mauser was aimed at Ye Tong.

Even Issho and Ye Tong didn't react.

If it wasn't for Crocus who didn't shoot, Ye Tong would have been injured by now.

"Are you going to find Roger's son, are you going to arrest?"

Crocus slowly said.

Although I want to pretend to be calm, the rapid breathing and nervousness.

I can't hide it.

"What are you doing to arrest him, he's my little brother."

Ye Tong also understood why Crocus acted like this.

It turned out that I was afraid that I would shoot this guy Ace.

Looks like Crocus is here, and he has another mission.

Crocus stared wide-eyed instantly after hearing Ye Tong's words.

Crocus was surprised when he heard that Ace was adopted by a Marine.

Now, Ace has become a Marine's little brother.

Could it be that this seed of hope is going to be Marine?

"Hahaha, I'm really old!"


Crocus said, and slowly returned to his room. .

As for Ye Tong, I didn't ask much.

Just left.

"Master, why not ask if he also went to the legendary place at the beginning?"

"Where, maybe there is an existence that allows us to achieve our goal faster."< /p>

Issho said with some doubts.

"You mean ONEPIECE?"

"I'm not interested in this thing. The secret of Roger's fall, maybe what mission."

" I went looking for this, but I didn't have time to look for ONEPIECE. Such things should be left to those Pirates who have dreams."

"My goal is to improve my strength and clean up garbage. "

Ye Tong slowly said.

Issho was also laughed after hearing what Ye Tong said.

Indeed, my adult's goals are different from others!

"Helmsman Mondo Te, this is Reverse Mountain."

"Master the direction and pay attention to the waterway. Mr. Issho, if there is any accident here, please trouble me Yours."

Ye Tong also said directly.

"Major General Ye Tong, look good!"


Mundo Te also directly controlled the direction of the ship, directly into the upward stream.

Everyone is not worried.

In Issho's training, bumps like this are nothing.

"Mondo Te, turn right!"

Hina also gave a quick reminder when she saw the top of the mountain in front of her.

"Understood, the water channel on the far right?"

Mundo Te said, the rudder in his hand spun rapidly.

With a sway, their boat also landed steadily on this waterway.

"Mission accomplished."

After Mundo Te finished speaking, he also gave a thumbs up to everyone behind him.

And just like that, they entered East Blue.

"Ye Tong, is your home here?"

"I remember Sister He said that you met Lieutenant General Garp in Goa Kingdom."< /p>

Gion also came over and said slowly.

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