One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 165

Sieg, who was trembling on the side, was even more horrified after hearing Ye Tong's words.

"Lord Ye Tong, I..."

"Okay, I said, I'm here to make amends."

"I really don't know. What is the reason for you, such an expert, to hide in the so-called weakest East Blue and do Mountain Bandit?"

Ye Tong said, and walked to the stool he had just cleaned.

"How did you see it, I don't remember where I exposed my strength!"

Sig said, the expression on his face also changed, slowly said.

"This is my Devil Fruit ability. When you come into contact with other people's discarded things, you can see some information about them."

"The first time I picked up your discarded items I might have had too low a rank when I was not paying attention."

"Now, my strength has improved."

"So, I just dropped the stuff from you. There are some clues in it."

"The existence of strength is not weaker than the general level, I can really bear it!"

Ye Tong said directly.

Although I had some guesses just now, after seeing Sieg in front of me, I still felt some contrast in my heart.

You know, in Ye Tong's impression, Sieg is a pirate with no taste.

If it wasn't for this incident involving Sieg, it is estimated that Ye Tong would not suspect Sieg.

"If you're here to catch me, shoot me."

"If you want to know something, ask."

Sig remains the same I don't want to do anything to Ye Tong, after all, his identity is more sensitive.

"I don't want to do anything to you, I want to know what is your relationship with Shanks."

Ye Tong also asked directly.


"I was on Roger's boat."

Sig said directly.

Ye Tong was completely stunned after hearing Siger's words.

Although he knew that they were definitely related, Ye Tong still couldn't believe it after saying such a thing.

"You planned this time too?"

"Why did you choose Luffy?"

Ye Tong asked again.

"I'm not involved in this matter, and my attitude here shows that I don't want to be involved in these things."

"As for choosing that brat, it's because he ate it That Devil Fruit."

Seeger said directly.

Ye Tong was stunned after hearing Sig's words.

Sure enough, as many fans guessed, it really is because of this protagonist fruit!

However, does the rubber thing have anything to do with the last existence?

"Okay, you and I are friends."

"I won't embarrass you, nor will I tell you who you are."

< p>"In return, please create some garbage for me."

Ye Tong also said slowly.

I thought Ye Tong was going to say something, but it turned out to be about garbage.

"What's the problem, I have enough garbage here..."


Three hours later, Ye Tong left here.

"Boss, are you all right?"

A group of naked younger brothers gathered around and said slowly.

"Do you think I have something to do?"

"Go and find me some clothes!"

Sig felt a little aggrieved.

This guy has stripped himself just like last time.

After leaving SIG's chassis, Ye Tong felt more and more that this world is not as simple as he imagined.

Whether it's Yonko, Shichibukai, the yet-to-be-famous Supernova.

Or Celestial Dragon, world government, Marine.

There is a feeling that it is not as simple as it seems.

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