One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 168

Ye Tong is going to a place now, which is Frost Moon Village in East Blue.

According to the grade, Suo Da should still be in Shuangyue Village at this time.

However, at this time Kuina should have left.

A week later, they also set foot on the island.

"Ye Tong, this is the island where Frost Moon Village is located."

"Why are we here?"

Gion said with some puzzlement .

After all, East Blue is known as the least powerful Sea Territory, and it doesn't seem to have much effect for them to stay here!

"There is an old friend here, I'm going to meet."

"By the way, you can do whatever you want, here I gave Hina four thousand Wan Beli."

"If you need money, find her."

After Ye Tong finished speaking, he also entered the island directly and quickly.

Seeing Ye Tong leave, the entire group is used to it.

Everyone went to their own activities.

Kukuli went to contact the shooter, and the other Marines left with Issho.

As for Hina and Gion, they are also going to go shopping and then come back to train.

After all, they are not the same as Ye Tong, this guy has not seen cultivation, but his strength has improved rapidly.

Sure enough, picking up trash is his way of cultivation?

Soon, Ye Tong came to Isshin Dojo.

It's very famous here, just ask.

"Hey, why did this guy come to see the door?"

At this time, Ye Tong also saw the green-haired man in front of the door, it was Zoro.

"You are what Sensei said, the powerful swordsman who came back here today?"

Not waiting for Ye Tong to speak, Zoro said directly.


"Mr. Koshiro knows I'm coming?"

Ye Tong's mouth also twitched into a smile.

"Try it with me."

After Zoro finished speaking, he also drew out his three long knives and got ready.

Seeing Zoro's words of Hedao in his mouth, Ye Tong knew that Kuina should have "fallen to death" by now.

"Wait blah blah."

"I can fight you, but if you lose, give me a big bag of trash."

Ye Tong also said directly.

At the same time, he took out a tall garbage bag from his personal space.


Zoro agreed without the slightest hesitation, and rushed up instantly.

“dīng dīng dīng dīng……”

Three-handled quick attack.

However, such speed, power, skill.

For Ye Tong, who has already embarked on the road of a great swordsman, he is really a little child.

"Is this your strength?"

"With such strength, do you dare to say that you want to be the number one swordsman at sea for Kuina?"


After Ye Tong finished speaking, he also waved his spiritual sound at will.

The back of the knife passed through the dense attack in an instant, landed on Zoro's stomach, and then knocked Zoro into the air.

"Too weak, go and fulfill your promise."

"If you still want to fight, come to me with your garbage."

Ye Tong said After finishing, I also stepped directly into Isshin Dojo.

After Ye Tong left for a while, Zoro slowly stood up.

"really strong, stronger than Sensei."

Zoro walked aside, picked up the bag on the ground, and started to collect garbage.

As for Ye Tong, he came to Koshiro's door quickly.

"Come in, Major General Ye Tong."

Before Ye Tong knocked on the door, Koshiro's voice came directly from the room.


"Mr. Koshiro, I'm bothering you."

Ye Tong also went in directly.

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