One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 170

"I fixed it!"

"Let's do it again!"

At this time, Zoro also rushed to Ye Tong before, slowly said.


"The stakes are still the same."

Ye Tong said, he also pulled out his spiritual sound and walked to training in the field.

Seeing Zoro coming, the other students retreated one by one.

You know, Zoro is a fighter.

In addition, the strength is also the strongest among this group of students.

They don't want to be caught by Zoro.

"You also have three knives, why do you only use one?"

"Do you think I'm too weak and not worth your other knives?"

Zoro also asked directly.


Ye Tong as it should be nodded by rights.


"I will definitely beat you!"

"Santoryu Windmill!"

Zoro said After finishing, he also directly pulled out his three knives and rushed directly to Ye Tong.


Ye Tong pulled out his own spirit sound, and with just one knife, he cut off Zoro's other two knives.

Only one handle and one word remain.

"In order not to interfere with you picking up trash for me, I won't hurt you."

"By the way, your knife is too bad, let me prepare two for you. Take it."

Ye Tong slowly walked in front of Zoro and picked up the knife on the ground.

"Ding, pick up Zoro's broken long knife, get O Wazamono lightly said, the pickup value is 60."

"Ding, pick up Zoro's broken long knife, get O Wazamono thunder away, the pickup value is 60."

As Ye Tong picked up the broken knife on the ground, Ye Tong's ear also heard the system's prompt sound.

As expected, the pickup value of the things discarded by the main characters is not generally high.

Also, what you get is very powerful.

"Prepare two?"

Zoro was a little disappointed at first, but after hearing Ye Tong's words, he regained his energy.

"This is the O Wazamono Spirit Ring, the rain falls, the thunder goes, the wind lightly said,"

"It's all O Wazamono level, you choose two."< /p>

Ye Tong directly pulled out four long knives and stuck them on the ground, slowly said.


Zoro walked up to the four long knives, obsessed.

As a swordsman, there is nothing more appealing than a good knife.

"I like both..."

"However, I want the wind lightly said and Lei go."

Zoro said, also pulled out directly two long knives.

"Wow, so light?"

"hu hu..."

After Zoro finished speaking, he also waved the long knife in his hand.

"Hurry up and pick up the trash."

Ye Tong said directly when he saw Zoro's excited look.

"Okay, Brother Ye Tong, I'll go right now."

Zoro disappeared right here after he finished speaking.

"This is Major General Grote Ye Tong of Marine Headquarters. He will stay here for a few days, everyone can learn more."

"Mr. Ye Tong. Will be a great swordsman!"

At this time, Koshiro on the side also said slowly.

"Please give me more advice!"

Not waiting for Ye Tong to say anything, all the students came to Ye Tong and bowed their thanks.

"Uh, this Old Guy..."

"Okay, I can coach you all."

"But, I need everyone to help me do it One thing, and that is to collect garbage for me."

"One bag per person a day."

"It can be from the gym, it can be from the village."

"I will guide whoever brings it first."

Ye Tong, as always, has a soft spot for trash.

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