One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 173

I don't know why there is such a dialogue between them.

Also, the expression is a little weird.

But Ye Tong didn't care either. After all, Ye Tong here promised Koshiro to protect Kuina.

Time is passing by slowly.

"I think you're quite normal!"

"Why is the you I learned about from the newspaper different from the one I see now?"


Kuina looked at Ye Tong with some doubts and said slowly.

"That's because, now on the boat."

"When you're on the other islands, you'll know what you're seeing is true."

Gion also jokedly said.

"Okay, you guys are in the mood to make fun of me."

"Go and rest, your body is very important."

Ye Tong said Then, he also went to the control room.

“Hina, how long will it take us to get to Cocoyasi Village?”

Ye Tong slowly said.

"We'll be there in two days."

Hina said with a smile.

Although Hina cannot be used as a powerful battle strength, her sailing ability has helped Ye Tong a lot.

So, Hina is also very satisfied with her current job.

"Major General Ye Tong, there is a small boat ahead, and the person on it is... Shichibukai!"

At this time, the voice of lookout Kukuli came .



"No way, what is this guy doing now?"

Ye Tong also thought of that guy, so he left the control room and came to the deck.

"Sure enough, it's Mihawk!"

Ye Tong saw the familiar black broadsword and recognized the person in front of him, Hawk Eyes Mihawk.


next moment, Ye Tong also appeared on Mihawk's boat directly on Geppo.


Hawk Eyes shot instantly, just a random blow, and a powerful slash hit.

"Even Major General Marine, this way of boarding the ship will make people a little dissatisfied."

After Hawk Eyes finished speaking, he sat down again.

"Mihawk, you are really inhumane!"

"I just want to chat with you..."

"weng !"

Before Ye Tong could finish speaking, slash struck again.

“Geppo ·Soru!”

Ye Tong, who was in the air, also dodged quickly.

"Really, I said, I'm not here to trouble you..."



Soon, it was getting dark.

At this time, Ye Tong still followed Mihawk.

Whispering, he greeted Mihawk's slash.

Then, the two came to an isolated island.

A battle between swordsman broke out directly.

However, the battle didn't last long.

Because after two hours, the island was silent.

"This boat is really clean, you don't have a good habit of making some rubbish!"

Ye Tong complained while searching on Mihawk's boat.

"Marine's new favorite, sure enough, name is not in vain."

"Disembark now, I look forward to your time to come to my island, let's have a good fight."

"You are too young."

After Mihawk finished speaking, he ignored Ye Tong and continued to sail.

Hearing this, Ye Tong also knew that this guy was simply not someone who could coerce and intimidate.

The most important thing is that even if I turn on the Ice God mode, I still can't stop his slash.

So Ye Tong also stepped back to the boat with Geppo.

And Mihawk just left.

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