One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 183

Soon, Ye Tong came to the nearest Kaka village.


"Why, so many people are in the harbour?"

Ye Tong looked at the small island in front of him. Many people were standing there.

Moreover, each of them was carrying a bag in their hands.

"The one from the front is Marine Ye Tong. Is it your general?"

The man in the lead picked up a loudspeaker and shouted loudly.

"Are you the head of Kaka Village?"

Ye Tong is also a little puzzled. Is it only the mayor of Kaka Village?

"Yes, we have been waiting for you for a long time."

After hearing Ye Tong's words, the existence of Kaka Dong in Kaka Village was also a little excited.

When I first heard this information, Kakadong still didn't believe it.

Then, after the people here showed Marine Headquarters Rear Admiral's handwriting, they believed it.

After all, what they can expect is Marine Headquarters.

Hearing this, Ye Tong also accelerated and came to the island.

"Hello village chief, I don't know, are you...?"

Ye Tong looked puzzled.

"Mr. Marine informed us here,......"

Kakadong also told Ye Tong everything here.

It turned out that Issho brought Hina to tell them all the information here.

Then, ask them to collect the garbage from the whole village.

Now, in the bags these people are carrying, is garbage.

"Is that so?"

"How much wealth did Arlong grab from you?"

Ye Tong also asked again.

"I haven't figured this out, but there are millions of Beli a year."

"Why do you suddenly ask this?"

card Cardon also asked with some doubts.

"There are five million Beli here, which Arlong gave back to you."

"Cultivate your own power well, it is best to form your own escort team."< /p>

"If there are weapons, I will arrange for someone to come and prepare them for you."

After Ye Tong finished speaking, he also took out five million Beli and put it in front of Kakadong .

"How can this be done?"

"If these are yours from Arlong, you should consider them as military expenses for your adults."

< p>"How dare we accept it?"

Kakadong looked terrified.

Although he knows that Ye Tong is a good Marine, there is still some fear of Marine here.

"I'm the one who bought your rubbish!"

"You all threw the bags in your hands on the ground, I'll just pick them up myself."


After Ye Tong finished speaking, he also threw Beli directly on the ground.

Ye Tong also directly opened his own writing wheel, and the powerful spirit strength coercion attacked everyone in an instant.

Everyone quickly threw the garbage in their hands on the ground.

It took only ten minutes to clean up the rubbish here.

After entering the island to sweep around, Ye Tong also left directly.

After all, here they just picked up the things they brought out, and they brushed the pickup value to nothing.

Sure enough, this village does not have as much pickup value as Nami and Zoro combined!

"Major General Ye Tong, I'm here."

At this time, Yakos also came.

"Alright, leave them fifty long knives and fifty Mauser guns."

Ye Tong also said directly.


Yakos didn't ask anything, just started making these things.

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