One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 193

Sengoku's face also twitched after hearing Ye Tong's words.

Indeed, after returning, at most, I will be dismissed.

It's probably impossible to do something like this.

However, in doing so, it is not only his own weakening of Marine's strength.

It is estimated that there will be another Garp who does not work hard in the future!

Thinking of this, Sengoku didn't know what to say. These two masters and disciples are troublesome fellows!

"General Sengoku, are we going to report back right now?"

I haven't heard the sound for a long time, and Gion also said slowly.

"No, just follow your original plan first!"

Sengoku has a headache.

Ye Tong, although not as good as Garp, bears the title of Hero of the Marines.

However, there are several in Shichibukai who are related to Ye Tong.

In addition, many island villages have become richer because of Ye Tong.

If you do it directly, and for this reason, there will be fewer and fewer people who sincerely do things for justice when the time comes.

Even, in the end, there will be more people like mice.

So here, Sengoku also hung up the phone directly.

Back to Ye Tong's side.

"Ye Tong, headquarter let us do what we want first."

"What are we going to do now?"

Gion goes Arrived at Ye Tong's side, said slowly.

"Help Brudo Island recover first, and then leave."

Ye Tong also said directly.

"Ye Tong, what's the relationship between you and the dragon?"

"I hope you tell me."

Gion thought about it, or put this The question was asked.

"He's my little brother."

"That's my Disciple of Sensei, I beat him."

Ye Tong also said with a laugh.

"You didn't participate in what they did?"

Gion asked again.


"How can someone like me participate?"

"I arranged all their actions What!"

Ye Tong said, and continued to pick up trash.

After hearing Ye Tong's words, Gion was stunned for a moment, then laughed.

"You're good at picking up rubbish, the rest, forget it!"

"Okay, I'm going to help command the feller."

Gion said and left directly.


"These days, no one believes the truth!"

"Forget it, pick up the trash!"


There is a lot of rubbish here!

It took more than a week for the houses here to be basically formed.

With the help of Marine led by Ye Tong, Dodolo, and Zuo Wu, the speed is still very fast.

At this time, Dodolo and Zuowu were both on Ye Tong's boat.

"Lieutenant General Zuowu, are you recovering now?"

Ye Tong picked up a cup of tea and said slowly.

"I'm almost recovering, but I still feel some heart palpitations when I go to sleep."

"It's a shame, it's because of the lack of cultivation!"

"It's a shame. p>

Zuo Wu also said helplessly.

"Now, can you recall how you were attacked?"

Dodoro also said slowly.

"I don't know, I just glanced at his eyes and got hit!"

Zuo Wu also said helplessly.

"Ye Tong, I remember you also have a special eye attack."

"Can you show it?"

Dodoro also looked towards Ye Tong .

"Is it my attack?"

"Is it attacking Lieutenant General Zuowu or Lieutenant General Dodolo?"

Ye Tong said with a laugh.

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