One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 201

After hanging up, Ye Tong was relieved.

After Dodolo and the others made their move this time, no one should come here to test themselves for a while.

Also, with the dragon in charge here, Ye Tong is also very relieved.

"Sir, we are being watched."

At this time, Issho also came to Ye Tong's side, said slowly.

"Got it."

"Bring them out."

Ye Tong was also slightly sighed and said slowly.

Such things will be resolved sooner or later.

And the situation in Brudo Island this time taught Ye Tong a lesson.

If his pickup value is not enough and there is no way to buy items, it is estimated that his identity will be exposed.


Issho also walked aside after finishing speaking.

"Ta Ta Ta Ta..."

Soon, footsteps sounded.

"Okay, let's talk, who is behind you?"

Ye Tong said slowly after he took a deep breath.

After all, they have followed him for more than two years.

"Major General Ye Tong, we are your subordinates!"

At this time, a Marine also said with a look of fear.

In Marine, if there is a traitor, or privately pass the information on the ship over the highest Sir.

After that, it's not easy to mix in Marine.

Because, no one would want such a person.

And the person he originally belonged to would also not want him because he avoided suspicion.

In the end, both sides will end up not being human.

"If there is no evidence, I won't call you out alone."

"Whoever comes first, the man on the sea, do it."

"Don't make me look down on you even more!"

Ye Tong said again.

"I was originally on the ship from Lieutenant General Sakazuki."

At this time, a Marine stood up and said with a serious face.

"Akainu's man?"

"Has his Den Den Mushi?"

Ye Tong also asked again.


Marine hesitated for a moment, but said directly.

"Call him!"

Ye Tong said indifferently.

At the same time, there was a faintly discernable smile on the corner of his mouth.

Marine was a little stunned.

When people find out that there are spies on their boat, they are all furious.

However, Major General Ye Tong was smiling.

Although he tried his best to suppress it, he could really see that he was laughing!

"No, you have to restrain yourself, don't laugh too obviously."

Ye Tong obviously realized it too.


After seeing Ye Tong's face darkening, Marine also took out a Den Den Mushi and dialed it.

"Tang Lu, is there anything special?"

Sakazuki's voice was also heard in Den Den Mushi.

"Sakazuki, long time no see!"

"I think, I've been running around with your people for so long, are you going to give me some food? Ah or something?"

Ye Tong also answered the phone and said with a smirk.

At this time, he really couldn't take it anymore.

Such a just and honorable robbery is awesome!

"Ye Tong?"

"What are you talking about, I don't know."

Sakazuki is also ready to kill him.

After all, it's not a glorious thing when such a thing comes out!

"Okay, I won't let you lose money again."

"I'll be back soon, prepare the trash."

"If I If you are not satisfied, I will hand this person to Fleet Admiral Kong."

Ye Tong also hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

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