One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 207

"Okay, I know about Sister He."

"Thanks for your care, Sister He, I will definitely bring back as much Life Essence as possible."

"Eat more of this stuff to restore youth."

Ye Tong also said naughty.

"You brat, don't make these fakes."

"It's the best reward for us if you don't cause trouble."

"By the way, when you come back this time, come to me directly."

He also said slowly.

"I know Sister He."

Ye Tong also hung up the phone after he finished speaking.

It would be fun if this is the idiot Smoker.

"Kuina, how are you, on my boat, how are you?"

Ye Tong thought of one person, Tashigi.

If I guessed correctly, I should be able to meet her this time.

"Very good, I prefer the style of this boat."

Kuina also said slowly.

She swore to be the strongest swordsman, and she was an expert on Ye Tong's ship!

Under the training of Issho, the strength of each one has improved very quickly.

Training with them is also something Kuina loves to do.

"Kuina, I actually have a question."

"Do you have any sisters?"

Ye Tong also asked directly.

"I don't know, I have been with father in Frost Moon Village since I was a child."

"I have always lived with him."

Kuina He also said calmly.

"Well, I'll take you to meet someone later, maybe you have something to say."

Ye Tong said with a smile.

Soon, they came to Loguetown.

After the boat was parked, all the crew also stood in front of Ye Tong.

"Okay, the five of you will send you here."

"I didn't reveal your identities, when the time comes, contact the people behind you to pick you up. ."

Ye Tong also said directly to the five people.

After hearing Ye Tong's words, the five of them also gave a military salute and disembarked decisively.

Although their mission is to monitor Ye Tong, they have great respect for this Marine.

They saw everything Ye Tong did along the way.

But because of their status, they have nothing to be hypocritical.

Even if there were tears, they were quietly wiped away after leaving the ship.

"Okay, let's go up too."

After Ye Tong took a deep breath slightly, he also directly ordered to land on the island.

Others are following their tasks.

The rest went to rest.

Ye Tong took only Kuina and went to the G5 branch.

Half a day later.

"Major General Ye Tong, did you bring me out just to let me see you sweeping the floor?"

Kuina helplessly looked at Ye Tong who was sweeping the street, slowly said .

"I've told Smoker that this guy should find me soon."

"We'll just wait."

Ye Tong said, but also continued to sweep the floor.


"I don't know him!"

Kuina is a little puzzled.

After all, what Ye Tong told her was that there was someone here to talk to.

Is this the Smoker?

"What do you know about him, this guy is a fool."

"Uh, he's already here."

At this time, Ye Tong Kenbunshoku also sensed that Smoker was coming.

And, Tashigi is there too.

In other words, those who guessed that Tashigi was Kuina in previous lives were wrong.

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