One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 222

The next day, Ye Tong also went to work early in the morning.

But after cleaning it all up.

Ye Tong is also a little helpless.

Because the generals here have all left.

The rest, only Sengoku is here.

However, Ye Tong also brushed the pickup values of several of them to the point where they couldn't continue to brush for the time being.

So, at this time, Ye Tong is also ready to go to sea.

"Sensei, we are going to go to sea."

At this time, Ye Tong also came to Garp's location and said directly to Garp.

"Okay, let's go out!"

"Although Fleet Admiral Kong is satisfied with Marine's attendance, Marineford has too little battle strength left."

"So, it's good for us to go out earlier."

Garp also said directly.

"Uh, let's go."

Ye Tong also said slowly.

"You go first, I'll be there soon."

Garp said, and went to prepare his own package.

As for Ye Tong, he also went out with someone.

Then, the crew of the original Ye Tong ship were also handed over to Zephyr.

Ye Tong only takes Gion, Hina, Kuina, Tashigi, Issho, Kukuli.

After all, this time it's to find Golden Lion.

There is no way Ye Tong can keep everyone safe.

So, try to bring some strong battle strength in the past.

"Just the few of us going out, when the time comes..."

"It seems that there is nothing missing from our ship!"

Gion was about to say that maybe there aren't enough people on board.

But I thought about it.

Battle strengths are Ye Tong, Garp and Issho.

Navigator has Hina.

At the helm, Mr. Issho can take the full role.

Power is automatic.

Chefs Kuina and Tashigi are cooking experts.

Even you can cook.

To clear the above problems, don't worry, Ye Tong never needs to clear the soldiers.

"Yeah, I don't really need anything."


As Ye Tong said this, Garp also fell on the boat .

"Really, it's just me and these juniors who went to catch Golden Lion."

"However, it's really exciting to think about it!"


When Garp came up, he said loudly with a smile.

"Sensei, how strong is Golden Lion?"

"Now that he has both broken legs, isn't his strength much worse than before?"

"And...; Sensei..."


Just when Ye Tong wanted to ask something, Found out that this guy actually fell asleep standing up.

For a while, Ye Tong felt helpless.

My Sensei can really fall asleep at any time.

"Okay, let's go to sea!"

"Hina, the eternal pointer, has been given to you, just go directly."

"After finding the location , just leave it to Mr. Issho."

Ye Tong said, and also went to the mast to discuss the use of the ability to see the fruit with Kukuli.

"How about, besides being able to see farther, is there any other use?"

Ye Tong asked with a puzzled look.

After all, he doesn't have any good development for Wangwangguo now.

Simply doesn't do anything except to see further.

"Can be locked."

"Then plot the ballistic trajectory."

"Also, the Kenbunshoku can be enhanced!"


After Kukuli finished speaking, it was also the sniper rifle in Lifting's hand, and he shot at will.

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