One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 232


"Impossible, the Dark King Cannon that has been activated is impossible and will be interrupted!"

"You &..."

At this time, Golden Lion was also horrified.

You know, he tried it before. This attack power and defensive power are extremely powerful.

Furthermore, no matter what method is used, the firing of the eternal cannon cannot be stopped.

However, the powerful fluctuation in front of him really disappeared.

"Golden Lion, you..."


Originally Ye Tong wanted to chase the Golden Lion, but at this time the body and The spirit can't take it anymore.

Fell straight down.

As Ye Tong fell down, Golden Lion also saw the two of them rushing towards him.

"Jie hahaha, I won't play with you this time."

"Next time we meet, I'll be sure to show you my ship in the ruins of Marineford Come on."

After the Golden Lion finished speaking, it also flew into the air quickly, disappeared.

"Damn, this guy is running too fast!"

At this time, Garp also came over.

Seeing Golden Lion Shiki leave, he also said impatiently.

"Let's take a look at the adults first."

Issho felt Ye Tong's abnormal state and flew straight into the air.

"Gravity Knife Anti!"

Issho faced the ground and instantly used the Gravity Knife.

The originally flat ground is also a rapid bulge at this time.

In an instant, a mountain bag appeared here, dragging the Golden Lion's ship to a halt.

At this time, Issho also flew to the boat, picked up Ye Tong, and left here.

"How is it, is there any damage to the body?"

Seeing Issho coming down, Garp came over quickly and asked with concern.

"It's not hurt, but my body feels weird."

"It's as if the body is taking in too much energy."

< p>Issho also said slowly.

"Probably used Life Essence too intensively just now."

"Take him back to the Battleship first, I'll guard here, otherwise if the Golden Lion Shiki returns again, you can Dangerous."

Garp also said directly.

After hearing Garp's words, Issho quickly returned to the Battleship with Ye Tong.

"Ye Tong, this is..."

After returning to the boat, everyone gathered around.

"Am I dizzy?"

"Mr. Issho, take me there."

"I'm fine, I'm going to pick up the trash! "

Ye Tong also said directly.

After hearing Ye Tong's words, Issho suddenly really wanted to laugh.

The adults are like this, but they still think about picking up garbage.

However, there is indeed a lot of garbage here just after being destroyed by the Golden Lion.

"Sir, your body..."

"I'll just take some stomach and digestion tablets. Hurry up and take me there, I'm going to exercise."

Ye Tong also said it directly.

"Uh, got it."

Although I don't know what Jianwei Xiaoshi tablets are, since Ye Tong said it all.

Issho also returned directly with Ye Tong.

"Why, are you back again?"

Garp looked at Ye Tong and Issho with some doubts.

"Sensei, there is so much garbage here, how can I be willing to sleep!"

You know, this is left after the Golden Lion has just been destroyed. things, certainly the most.


" should just listen to me and finish my sentence!"

Garp was a little helpless.

Before Garp finished speaking, Ye Tong was already picking up trash.

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