One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 239

Soon, Ye Tong also returned to the boat.

At this time, Kuina and the others are preparing to cook.

"Kuina, Gion, come here."

"Today, I'll do it. Kukuri, Yax, come and help me."

< p>"Others have prepared the cutlery, and I have prepared the wine here. Everyone comes together when the time comes."

After Ye Tong finished speaking, he also bought some red wine and foreign wine at Wanqian Mall.

Then, went to the kitchen.

"Ye Tong Rear Admiral, we don't know how to cook!"

At this time, Yax and Kukuli also said with a sorry face.

After all, Yax and Kukuri have always focused on fighting.

"I didn't tell you to cook!"

"I just asked you to come in and serve food."

Ye Tong finished speaking , and also started to buy it from its own store.

"Here are ten family buckets, and these, take them out to thaw first."

"By the way, there are steaks here, so take them out first, and wait a while. We're going to eat outside."


Soon, Ye Tong kept coming out with all kinds of things.

Because these things are some daily expenses and cannot provide the functions of the body like this world.

So it's very cheap, so Ye Tong also bought a lot.

The people of this world are all Great Appetite Kings.

Soon, the banquet begins.

Because it was all fresh food, everyone was very satisfied.

If they knew that Ye Tong picked up the trash in exchange for it, what kind of emotion would they have!

The banquet lasted for three days, with two days off.

When Hina told Ye Tong that the direction of the Golden Lion started to move, the entire group was also ready to go.

Golden Lion shouldn't come so quickly for the time being, so there's still more time now.

"Why are we going to Onishima?"

"Hina remembers that this is where Shichibukai Moria is."

"Hina thinks, we went, I can't do anything!"

Hina asked with some doubts.

"Moria, he owes me something!"

"Since we're all here, why don't we get the debt back?"

Ye Tong said calmly.

Hearing this, Hina also remembered.

Meeting Moria while at West Blue.

It seems that at that time, he was talking about Shichibukai.

"He owes you trash, doesn't he?"

Hina also said jokingly.

"You've been following me for a few years, you know me."

"Okay, let's hurry up, don't make them wait any longer?"

Ye Tong laughed and went back to the mast.

I have been using Wangwang Fruit for a while, and Kenbunshoku has also improved a bit.

Even, there is a faint feeling of being able to improve.

You know, this is the only skill Ye Tong has practiced and improved himself!

Before, even if you have exercise sword technique, you are not fully familiar with it. Then, you will pick up something like the sword technique.

After the sword technique here is improved, I have to get familiar with it again.

So, Ye Tong started to be familiar with it later.

The speed of improvement is faster than your own cultivation, so let alone breakthrough.

This sense of accomplishment is full of satisfaction!

If you continue at this rate, you should also be able to obtain your second advanced ability.

With Kenbunshoku Haki's foresight ability, battle strength will not only improve a little!

As a result, Ye Tong also continued to start the lookout work!

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