One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 243

At this time, Ye Tong also integrated his body into the ice here.

It is not the ability to use the essence of the devil, but the conduction of electricity by ice.


At this time, a gunshot sounded again.

Ye Tong, who was originally telling the move, was penetrated.

If it wasn't for the fast elemental transformation, it is estimated that this shot would even seriously injure Ye Tong.

In addition, the formidable power of the YEDJ98 continuous sniper rifle is not covered.

With the Busoshoku Haki, it's even more powerful.

"The sniper is really terrifying, but I found you!"

Ye Tong used the shave in the case of lightning.

It just disappeared in place for a split second.

“peng peng peng!”

At this time, three gunshots were also transmitted.

"Santoryu ·Luoluozhuan!"

"ding ding Ding!"

Ye Tong pulled out his village rain, Luoyu and Lingxiang, three Dao slash attacked and directly blocked the bullet.


"That's right, such Kenbunshoku Haki ability is so vividly used by you!"

At this point, Ye Tong has Appeared behind Kukuli.

A hand knife stuns Kukuli.

The mouth still couldn't help but praise.

After all, Kukuli's attack just now is really accurate and powerful.

If it wasn't for Ye Tong's understanding of Kukuli's strength, it is estimated that he would be at a disadvantage here.

After the incident, Ye Tong also learned about it.

The last three shots Kukuli fired before were not Kenbunshoku's ability, but his prediction.

That is to say, he guessed that Ye Tong would attack from the front.

Such a prediction is simply too terrifying.

Soon, Ye Tong also returned to the Battleship with Kukuli.

It took more than 20 minutes from the beginning to the end of the battle.

You know, a sniper who can hold Ye Tong's hands for so long is already very powerful.

Even when Ye Tong discovered Kukuri in the end, he made such a reaction.

Both Ye Tong and Garp are very satisfied.

"Sensei, look at others, you have taught me, why not teach me?"

Ye Tong also came to Garp's side and said coquettishly.

"Forget it."

"Your Busoshoku has reached the level of a sakura. Although I am a little taller than you, you need to comprehend the rest. Yes."

"Also, what can I teach you, brat, how to threaten Sengoku?"

Garp also said helplessly.

When Garp wanted to teach Ye Tong, Ye Tong was busy picking up trash.

Now that Ye Tong has time, Garp finds he has nothing to teach Ye Tong.

You know, Ye Tong is still a few months away from turning seventeen!

Such a super genius, Garp really doesn't know what he can teach.

"Alright, it's a skill too!"

"It would be even better if you could teach me, Garp Sensei, that you offend the secret that Celestial Dragon is not afraid of ."

Ye Tong said again.

Hearing this, Garp was stunned.

This guy is simply a super pit!

"Okay, let's go play by yourself."

"You've got this month's trash ready, don't bother me, I'm going to play chess with Mr. Issho."

Garp said and left slowly.

Seeing this scene, Ye Tong was also a little helpless.

It's also only my own practice and familiarity.

With strength, it also takes practice to master it.

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