One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 256

With countless Battleships being carried into the air by Fuwa Fuwa no Mi's ability, Ye Tong's Battleship here is safe and sound because Issho is there.


"This guy came so early?"

"Really, there's no time to go back!"


Ye Tong looked at the eternal pointer pointing directly above him, and said helplessly.

"Let's go out first."

Ye Tong didn't change his clothes, still wearing the robe of Chief Yun, and directly penetrated the big prison and came to the sea.

Then, a shave, also quickly went to the water.

After reaching the water, Ye Tong also found out that it was the Golden Lion that came.

"Yo, Golden Lion Shiki?"

"Are you interested, join us Shiki?"

Ye Tong lifting his hands to the sea In one shot, a large icicle lifted Ye Tong up in an instant.

Appeared in front of the Golden Lion's ship, indifferently said.

"A member of Akatsuki, Zero?"

"I Golden Lion, how could I be the kind of organization that would join you Akatsuki?"

"If If you want to be my little brother, I can accept it reluctantly."

"This era has not yet passed."

"And I am the representative of this era, go to hell Let's go!"

After Golden Lion Shiki finished speaking, he instantly released two slashes.

"chi chi..."

Then, slash hit Ye Tong's body instantly and penetrated out.

"Jie hahaha..."

"With such a little strength, you still want to be the sunshine of this world?"

"brat, for you The arrogance of paying..."

"Impossible, how do you..."

Before Shiki finished speaking, he realized that there was nothing at all in front of him.

Don't say I'm injured, I don't even see a little blood.

You know, just now he really saw his slash penetrate his!

"Is this the legendary Pirate, the Golden Lion Shiki who is as famous as Roger?"

"It's really funny, the legend is really a legend, just listen to it! "

"Sword of Cormyr!"

After Ye Tong finished speaking, the flames of Dark Violet ignited around him, and then turned into ribs and arms.

Soon, Ye Tong was enveloped by a skeleton.

A great sword as long as the Battleship appeared in the skeleton's hand.

A powerful coercion attacked this Sea Territory instantly.

"Jie hahaha..."

"Some say you are Ye Tong in Marine, but now I am sure, you are not him!"

" With such a powerful strength, I want to see, how far can you do it?!",


Shiki said, countless ships, small On the island, weapons have fallen one after another.

And the direction is Ye Tong.

"Such an attack is really not difficult!"

"Dimensional cutting!"

Ye Tong lifted the Sword of Cormyr in his hand, instantly Slash out.

one after another crack appears.

Everything that was going to fall was deformed by these cracks.

Then one by one, the pieces were painted.

"This is?"

"You guy, you're really a monster!"

Golden Lion said, there are already people who want to retreat idea.

There's not just a Ye Tong here who can freeze the Dark King's weapons.

Now there is a super powerful mysterious person, Akatsuki Zero.

If you continue to stay, it is estimated that you will return to that cold hell again!

"Golden Lion, you're old!"

"It's really useless to be brave!"

Ye Tong see Golden Lion He did not continue to attack, but also said with a look of disdain.

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