One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 258

"Dragon. I'm at Impel Down right now."

"Come over to Sabaody Archipelago if you have time, preferably within three days."


Ye Tong said to Den Den Mushi.

"Sabaody Archipelago, I'm going to Ivankov now, this guy seems to be caught by Marine."

"I'm going to Impel Down to save him now."< /p>

"I'm already here at Sabaody Archipelago."

The dragon said slowly too.

"Ivankov I have rescued."

"Just wait for me at Sabaody Archipelago, I'll go to Golden Lion first, and then I'll come to you Yes."

Ye Tong also hung up the phone after he finished speaking.

"The leader is the leader, no matter what, we are one step ahead of us."

"It seems that we really need to cheer up here!"

"The leader is the leader. p>

Dragon also said slowly.

After all, he is the one who is fighting on the front line.

But now, Ye Tong is sitting ahead of him in many things.

Now East Blue's basically non-allied countries and some weak villages have become their bases.

And this beginning started when Ye Tong helped Cocoyasi Village.

Back to Ye Tong's side, with the help of Goro Goro no Mi, Ye Tong also quickly chased after Shiki.

Soon, a huge island appeared in their sight.

"This is Golden Lion's Skypiea?!"

"Forget it, sweep the floor."

You know, it's possible here Get thousands of miles to fly.

As for Golden Lion, this guy can't go anywhere else.

And, for a while, not going out again.

Soon, Ye Tong took out his Divine Item - a broom and a garbage bag.

So there was a weird scene on Skypiea.

There is a person who sweeps and picks up litter during the day and sweeps and picks up litter at night.

Shiki was stunned after learning this information.

Why does this guy act so strangely! ?

Could it be that he is really Ye Tong? !

But if you think about it carefully, there is still a difference between Ye Tong and Xiao Zhiling.

The only thing they have in common is that they are all picking up trash.

Moreover, they are all very powerful existences.

Does it mean that picking up garbage and sweeping the floor will give you a powerful strength?

For a while, Shiki was also a little moved.

After all, this is a big discovery!

If it is true, then he can greatly improve his strength in a short period of time!

With Fuwa Fuwa no Mi's ability, it's not too easy to pick up trash.

"I'll try it too!"

At this time, Golden Lion Shiki also had a strange idea in his heart, that is to try to pick up garbage.

Then, Golden Lion also joined the ranks of picking up trash.

As for the other members of the Golden Lion Pirates here, after learning about this, they also spontaneously joined the team of picking up trash.

For a while, the existences on this Skypiea started picking up trash one by one.

Even the general residents above are starting to pick up rubbish.

Also, all the garbage they picked up was dedicated to the Golden Lion.

"Shit, Golden Lion, this guy is actually stealing business!"

On the second day, Ye Tong found that there was less garbage here.

Even if you walk a long way, you can't find anything.

After inquiring, it turns out that Golden Lion is also picking up trash.

For a while, after I wanted to clean up Skypiea, I went to find the Golden Lion guy.

Since you're grabbing business, don't blame yourself!

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