One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 260

As the garbage disappeared, Ye Tong also appeared in Golden Lion's sight.

"Jie hahaha, is there nothing I can do?!"

"It seems that this garbage attack is really powerful!"

Shiki too Said arrogantly.

"You're amazing!?"

"Today, I'm going to beat you up as a local dog!"

After Ye Tong finished speaking, Suzuo Nenghu also instantly covered his entire body.

Afterwards, countless lightning and ice cubes also became armor, and Susanoh was put on.

"Soul Sword of Heaven!"

With the help of the energy of Goro Goro no Mi and the essence of demons, Ye Tong also raised his Susanoo to a complete body.

Although the ultimate body is not yet available, it is enough for now.


"The lion claw!"

Golden Lion is not a simple existence.

Perceiving the powerful breath conveyed by Ye Tong, Golden Lion instantly condensed countless items together to form a pair of huge lion claws.


Not waiting for Ye Tong to attack, Golden Lion's attack has already fallen.

The punching attack made the entire Skypiea tremble three times.

"Jie hahaha, even if he is Akatsuki's leader, wouldn't he be killed by me?"

Under the huge smoke and dust, Golden Lion doesn't believe there are still people = To be able to survive such an attack.

"I told you, I'm going to beat you into a dog today!"


Afterwards, a Dark Violet's The long knife cuts off in an instant.

With just one blow, the entire house was destroyed.

In addition, a ravine more than ten meters deep appeared on the ground.

This is still the case where Ye Tong keeps his hand, because Ye Tong is afraid of destroying this Skypiea.

You know, a Skypiea is the best base!


Seeing Ye Tong's attack power, Golden Lion was a little stunned.

Although he could do it, Shiki clearly felt the powerful pressure from Ye Tong's Sword of the Soul that day.

"Shiki, look into my eyes!"

Ye Tong was also loudly shouted.

After hearing what Ye Tong said, Shiki obviously felt a little weird.

But still unable to control his eyes, he looked towards Ye Tong's strange pupils.

"Monthly Reading!"

Afterwards, Ye Tong also directly launched the monthly reading.

Shiki, who looked at Ye Tong, was pulled into the monthly reading space in an instant.

"Here, you will be tortured for a week. If you are willing to follow me, just say it."

After Ye Tong finished speaking, he also turned into a ghost and disappeared. .

After quitting the monthly reading space, Ye Tong also took out the garbage and started cleaning it up.

Although Wan Li Fei already has it.

However, these things still have pickup values.

In addition, it will also bring some basic attributes and the like.

A minute later, Ye Tong also stood up.

Because at this time, the Golden Lion has come out of the illusion.

"You said you are Akatsuki, if I join you, will there be no restrictions?"

Shiki also said with a tired face.

"There is no limit, you can do whatever you want."

"But there are a few preconditions."

"First, you can't shoot at civilians. ."

"Second, you can't take action against allies, among which is included has already surrendered to our power."

"Third, when we need to act together, you I need to arrive."

Ye Tong also directly stated his conditions.

"Just three o'clock?"

"Jie hahaha, I'll join!"

Golden Lion also said slowly.

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