One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 262

Golden Lion is not a Saint, nor does it have the spirit of the world.

He's just a Pirate, a Pirate who wants to be free and fear nothing.

So, Golden Lion is always looking for power.

This is why, in the first place, Roger always lost to Golden Lion.

"Follow me to meet Yu, who happens to be in the Sabaody Archipelago."

"Then, the Sabaody Archipelago here, I'll leave it to you to destroy it."


"By the way, I need you to make a voice."

"When the time comes, you are like this &&..."

Ye Tong is also in Golden Lion the ear said slowly.

Hearing this, the smile on the corner of Golden Lion's mouth deepened.

Back to Ye Tong Battleship.

"I see, eh."


Issho lifted his hands and murmured, placing them on his lips.

Then, went to find Hina.

"Captain Hina, go to the Sabaody Archipelago."

"Someone has given information, Monkey D. Dragon, which will be there soon."

Issho is also direct Came to the cab and said directly to Hina.

"Sabaody Archipelago?"

"Monkey D. Dragon?"

"But now, Ye Tong he..."

Hina said with some doubts.

After all, Ye Tong is still in a coma here. Wherever you want to go, you'd better say hello to Ye Tong first!

even more how, the person to look for here is the son of Vice Admiral Garp.

"Go, we should meet him too."

"This guy, in this world, is making a lot of noise!"

< p>At this time, Ye Tong also appeared here.

Although his face was still pale, he could speak.

"You brat woke up?"

"This guy is really powerful, he can actually hurt you to such an extent?!"

"You Is your body still recovering?"

After hearing Ye Tong's voice, Garp also appeared here immediately.

You know, Ye Tong has been in a coma before, but Garp is very worried.

Now Ye Tong finally woke up.

Although my body is a little weak, everything else is fine.

"Sensei, I'm fine."

"I put an ice worm on Golden Lion before he left."

"Golden Lion is also a member of Akatsuki now."

"Also, Dragon is also a member of Akatsuki."

"They, at the Sabaody Archipelago, are planning a huge event. "

Ye Tong said weakly.

It's not because of weakness, but because Ye Tong is far away at this time.

So, the control of this Avatar is not very strong.


"That fellow Dragon is also a member of Akatsuki?"

"Ye Tong, tell me, are you?!"

Garp also directly put away his smile, slowly said.

"They invited me, but I didn't respond."

"Because of what they did, it may affect the stability of many people."

"Although I don't think they did anything wrong, I didn't promise them either."

Ye Tong slowly said.

I really did not join them, I am the initiator of this organization.

To say that, I can only say that I established this Xiao organization.

"It's fine if you didn't join."

"But what did we do in the past?"

Garp was stunned.

Because Akatsuki's actions never involve civilians.

Mostly, it is to some nobles or Celestial Dragon, slave dealers...

These people who are not good goods are shot!

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