One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 267

The reason why it couldn't be improved was that Magellan deliberately suppressed it.

Otherwise, it is estimated that my own toxins can poison myself to death!

It's like Whitebeard's Gura Gura no Mi, used too many times and messed up inside my body.

Luffy's Gomu-Gomu No Mi, using lifespan.

And now with Life Essence, the upper limit has been raised, and the poison will naturally increase.

Soon, Ye Tong restored the Sabaody Archipelago.

None of the civilians died.

Even if they are injured, they are all bruises from falling down during the transfer.

The nobles were not so lucky.

Some nobles who participated in auctions and slave sales even lost their lives directly in this incident.

And all the slave traffickers gathered here were also killed directly.

Of course, the person who did these things was Ye Tong, who had been hiding in the garbage the last second.

"Can we get out of here?"

At this time, Ye Tong walked up to Garp and asked with some doubts.

After all, things here are almost done.

After gaining a lot of wealth and ability, Ye Tong also wants to leave here.

After all, he had to find the island with the wreckage of the Dark King.

"Maybe, we can't leave for the time being."

"This time, it is estimated that we will be regarded as traitors?"

Garp too Some helplessly said.

You know, Ye Tong is simply not involved in the battle, just repairing the island here.

Issho is doing his best to protect civilians.

As for Garp, it looks like he was eating.

By the time Sengoku and the others arrived, Akatsuki had already left.

So, the biggest criticism this time is Ye Tong and the others.

The people who were present but did not participate in the battle, and there were people from cp0 who were making irresponsible remarks behind their backs.

"Sensei, you mean, we will be sent to court?"


Ye Tong still looks peaceful said.

"You brat..."

"Forget it, it's not a big deal. Wait and see what's up."

Garp originally I want to talk about Ye Tong, but thinking of myself, it seems that there is really nothing to say.

"Major General Ye Tong, Lieutenant General Garp, Fleet Admiral Kong asked me to pick you up."

At this time, a Marine Colonel came to the two of them before, slowly said.

"Let's lead the way."

Garp said lightly and left with the people who came.

Soon, they came to a cathedral.

This church was built by Ye Tong.


As the door opened, many acquaintances appeared.

Even, there was a bearded old man sitting beside Sora.

"Gorosei actually got involved?"

Ye Tong said strangely after seeing this person.

After all, in general, Gorosei wouldn't be involved.

"Groot Ye Tong."

"Do you know the guilt for this behavior?"

They just came in before they found their place Before he could sit down, he heard Sora's voice feigning anger.

"Fleet Admiral, I don't know why I am guilty?"

Ye Tong also stood up immediately and walked into the aisle, looking at Steel Bone Kong with a puzzled expression.

"In the face of criminals' attack, do nothing!"

"Isn't it your dereliction of duty to cause countless noble deaths and serious injuries?"

Sora once again questioned.

After all, there are quite a few World Nobles here, so he had to.

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