One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 272

The next day, with the help of the duck-headed Sea King class, arrived at the Kingdom of Tuhuya.

It originally took seven days, but with the help of the Sea King class, it took more than half of the time.

"Okay, you are responsible for reassuring the civilians here, and then here are some supplies to distribute to all the affected civilians."

"I will restore the houses here. Go."

Ye Tong put a lot of supplies on the shore and left.

"Ding, pick up the damaged house, get the villa..."


With the ebbing of time, Ye Tong also spent a whole In just a few days, the entire island was cleaned up.

An island will basically bring tens of thousands of pickups to Ye Tong.

Moreover, they can also give their homes a wave of renovations.

As for some furniture and the like, it can also be exchanged for new furniture and things like Berry.

"Ye Tong, the king of the Tuhuya kingdom here invites you to their palace."

At this time, Hina also came to Ye Tong's side, slowly said .

"The palace?"

"Didn't I tell them, because their palace is too big, they don't have a magic cultivator?"

Ye Tong said with a puzzled look.

"They said they wanted you to go and talk about compensation."

Hina said with some helplessness and anger.


"Hahaha, I have to go and see, who wants me to compensate!?"

After Ye Tong finished speaking, also Go to the location of the palace.

At this time, the palace that originally occupied a large area had been banned by a small villa.

Although it is not as big as the previous palace, it is much better than the average villa.

"King Shulus, don't you know what you're looking for me?"

After coming here, countless soldiers and patriarchs are here.

Naturally, King Shurus is also here.

"Major General Ye Tong, your job is to rescue and restore this place, right?"

Shurus also said directly.


"What's wrong, not satisfied with the repair?"

Ye Tong coldly said.


"What am I satisfied with, my original huge palace is now only a little broken house."


ka ka ka...

Afterwards, Ye Tong also released his ice instantly.

The villa was frozen directly.

Then kicked up a stone on the ground, turning the villa into ice powder.

Disappeared with a breeze.

"Since I'm not satisfied, then I'll remove it."

"Also, I warn you, I'm only in charge of rescue."

" Not your exclusive bodyguard."

"Neither your repairman, goodbye."

Ye Tong turned around and prepared to leave.

However, at this time, they were stopped by countless guards.

"What, are you going to shoot me?"

"It's really..."


Ye Tong Instantly unleashes his own Haoshoku Haki.

All the soldiers fell.

"If you want to complain, just go. Next time I'm attacked, I may be too busy and won't come."

Ye Tong left indifferently after he finished speaking. .

What a joke, I just came here to pick up the trash.

Not here to build a house.

It is Ye Tong's own wish to give you the house, and such a king has no idea of letting Ye Tong help.

Seeing Ye Tong leaving, Shulus also sat on the ground helplessly.

I thought this was a bully Marine, but I didn't expect Ye Tong's reaction to be so strong.

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