One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 274

After enough to catch up with the Battleship, Ye Tong also returned to the ship.

After increasing to 50%, the original basic attribute blessing here has also increased from 22,000 to 30,000.

Ice release speed, control, and coldness are all improved to a certain extent.

Even, Mokobotmo has been upgraded to be used twice a day.

This kind of improvement can already become a key battle strength.

The only downside is that it is my body.

Now my basic attribute cannot suppress the increase brought by the Ice God.

After using Ice God, repercussions will appear on the body again.

Requires Life Essence for relief.

Furthermore, as the fusion of the essence of the devil increases, a consciousness seems to appear in his body.

Sure enough, are all the dangerous species in Teigu still alive?

This is a super hidden danger!

Ye Tong doesn't want to be suddenly occupied by a dangerous species when he uses the Ice God!


At this time, Hina also appeared in front of Ye Tong with a Den Den Mushi.

"General Sengoku's phone."

Hina slowly said.

After all, Sengoku here is the head of the so-called Marine Aid here.

"Yo, Sengoku uncle?"

Ye Tong answered the phone and said with a funny face.

"Ye Tong, you..."

"I know everything about your side. Go back and apologize. We Marine funded him to build a villa."

"Ye Tong, you..."

"I know everything about you. p>

"This matter, it's all right..."

Sengoku originally wanted to get angry, but after hearing Ye Tong's Sengoku uncle, Sengoku really couldn't get angry!


"No, I'm not going to apologize."

"It's really not good, I, the assistance team leader, won't do it. I'm not going to help with this kind of thing."

"You can't do a good thing, you have to be a weak party?"

Ye Tong also said directly.

"This is the meaning of the world government, you should understand the difficulties of Fleet Admiral Kong!"

"Ye Tong, you will grow to this position sooner or later."< /p>

"Go and apologize..."


At this time, Den Den Mushi's voice came from Sengoku .

"What, Shurus and the others were attacked again?"

"It's Akatsuki's Golden Lion again?"

Afterwards, Sengoku's roar was also come.

"Sengoku uncle, has the Tuhuya Kingdom been attacked again?"

After hearing Sengoku's roar, Ye Tong also said jokingly.

"You brat... well, you can go over there. Only the nobles are damaged here. With your ability, it should be resolved soon."

Sengoku said directly.

Directly avoided what I said before to apologize.

After all, it's no use talking.

Like Garp, before asking him to apologize to a nobleman. This guy went straight up and beat people up.

He also said that this is his way of apologizing.

"Don't go, let him figure out a way!"

"A king of a country, where the palace has been destroyed, where can it be our Marine's turn to rebuild it?"

"We can help fend off the Pirate, but we are not responsible for solving the housing problem."

Ye Tong is still the answer.

For a while, Sengoku felt helpless.

These two masters and disciples will really cause problems for me!

"Don't worry, this is about to be paid to the heavens, and Shurus can't get it."

"The above will not put pressure on us anymore."

"Don't worry. p>

"Soon, their Tuhuya Kingdom will not be an ally."

Ye Tong said indifferently.

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