One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 284

When Ye Tong returned to the coast again, he was stunned.

It's almost like a second Gray Terminal, filled with countless garbage.

The ghost knows what they have done during these three days.

"Ye Tong Rear Admiral, are you satisfied with our thanks?"

"By the way, stay here and we will prepare a welcome banquet for you."

"I don't know where your crew is, we..."

At this time, the civilians here also rushed up one by one, talking very enthusiastically.

"Well, I still have things to do!"

"You guys are all right, if you have any questions, just contact us immediately."

< p>"I'll go first."

Ye Tong also chose to leave here after cleaning up the garbage quickly.

Listening to the hustle and bustle behind him, Ye Tong knew what he was doing was right.

Although they will suffer for a while, but in exchange for long-term happiness!

Especially, they will not be tortured by the heavenly gold again.

1 month later.

At this time, Ye Tong also came to the place where the wreckage of the Dark King was.

"This island is an unnamed island, and it's very strange."

"When we just came here, we have found a lot of strange mutant creatures."

< p>"There are even strange fish with spider legs. Besides, their attack power is also very powerful!"

Hina said with some doubts.

"Yes, it's weird here!"


"You guys, get out of here."

< p>"Drive the boat beyond the Sea Territory where we just encountered the special animals!"

After Ye Tong finished speaking, he also took out one Life Essence and handed it to everyone.

Then, let them all go.


"Hina, don't ask me why, just leave!"

"Execute the command!"

Ye Tong said directly.

Hina also told everyone to leave the place after hearing Ye Tong's roar.

Afterwards, Ye Tong also took out a Life Essence and put it into his mouth.

The aura here is a little weird, and it even affects other creatures here.

"Ding, pick up the Dark King wreckage, get the Dark King blueprint fragment 1, get a pickup value of 200."

"Ding, pick up the Dark King wreckage..."

"Ding, pick up the Dark King wreckage..."



With the ebbing of time, Ye Tong is also taking Life Essence for the second time.

"The energy field here is so strange."

"It's actually destroying my body."

Ye Tong was stunned, for the first time encounter such a situation.

However, there are still three pieces of my own fragments.

In addition, these three pieces should be the core positions, after all, I haven't seen the core fragments yet.

"Ding, found..."


After three hours, Ye Tong finally found the last three pieces .

At this time, Ye Tong also quickly headed towards the Battleship.

After returning to the Battleship, Hina also immediately walked up to Ye Tong.

"Ye Tong, it's not good, many Marines here have nosebleeds, and their faces are ugly!"

Hina said anxiously.

"What about you?"

Ye Tong looked at Hina worriedly.

"Hina, Mr. Issho, Kukuli, and Yakos, nothing happened."

"Except the four of us, everyone else has this symptom ."

Hina slowly said.

Hearing this, Ye Tong was stunned.

Afterwards, I also thought of a terrifying thing.

That is - nuclear radiation!

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