One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 288

Garp, who was already indebted, got a little wet at the corners of his eyes after hearing Ye Tong this remark.

Even Tsuru on one side was a little moved.

until now, Ye Tong is an optimist in front of them.

So, let them all forget that Ye Tong's previous experience was not so smooth.

Even, even more bumpy than the average person.

Such a child, a child who survived the mountain of garbage.

After coming out, I joined Marine.

Then, stay in Marine for five years.

The experiences and contributions to Marine.

Everything is very open and transparent.

And, if Akatsuki has such a powerful force, why do you still want to be a Rear Admiral in Marine?

They were somewhat oriented before, thinking that their abilities are similar, there is a great possibility.

But the objective things are forgotten.

"Sensei, I'm leaving."

"If this annoys Sensei, I will leave Marine and will not appear in front of Sensei in the future."

After Ye Tong finished speaking, he also stood up and prepared to go out.

"My good disciple!"

"It's not that I hate you, it's Sensei that I did wrong this time."

"Sorry...stay Come down, no matter what you say, I promise you."


Garp instantly appeared behind Ye Tong and punched Ye Tong directly. on the head.

Although he didn't use Haki, Ye Tong didn't use Haki to defend either!

That buzzing feeling in my head is really...

"Really, promise me anything?"

Ye Tong covered his head, Looking at Garp pitifully.

"Yes, I promise you."

Garp said, ready to punch Ye Tong again.

Sure enough, the way this guy expresses his love is really...

"Sensei, please stop hitting me."

"Also, I Just a request, will you take me to pick up trash? We, master and disciple, haven't picked up trash together for a long time."

Ye Tong shaves off a long way, and then said slowly.

Hearing this, the original moving look on Crane's face also became a little weird.

This guy, he just said so sensational, just to let Garp take him to pick up garbage|? !

"Okay, I'll take you there!"


In this way, the two master and disciple also set off directly.

"Bang, Kuzan, I brought my discipline to pick up the trash."

"Make some trash."

“Sengoku, I brought my discipline to pick up the trash!”



The originally peaceful Marineford also became a little noisy because of the two Great Demon Kings.

"elder sister, Ye Tong, isn't he Xiao?"

After Ye Tong and the others went out, Gion also came directly to the crane and asked.

"It's not."

"The strength Garp used just now, but it can resist the full strength attack in Sengoku Buddha form."

" Ye Tong just really almost died."

"However, that's fine."

He also said slowly.


"hmph, this old fogey, I'm going to strip his beard!"

Gion said, also panting with rage's left here.

next moment , in an empty office.

"Yes, I see."

"Since I can resist Garp full strength attack, tell him the plan this time."

" By the way, I might touch that thing this time, and give him a set of clothes."

Fleet Admiral Kong slowly said.

"Fleet Admiral, I..."

Sengoku looked at Steel Bone Kong hesitantly.

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