One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 293

In the end, only Ye Tong and Gion took the initiative to stand up.

Gion stood up because of Ye Tong.

Next, null is also assigned directly.

Since Sengoku was staying to protect Marineford, he let Zephyr go with him this time.

And Kizaru didn't escape either, this guy likes more peaceful missions.

However, on the guard, it can still be done very well.

The rest is that they choose their own members to go with.

After Ye Tong went back here, he also asked people here not to go with him.

You know, this visit to Mariejois is not for fun.

In addition, the crane here gave him two sets of clothes.

These two outfits are all too familiar to Ye Tong.

Has a hood and even a full protective suit.

Although Ye Tong was only a high school student in his previous life, he was also an Earth person!

Although I have never worn such a thing, I have seen it!

Those who are engaged in nuclear testing will wear such clothes.

That is to say, going to Mariejois this time, it is very likely that you will encounter something like this.

So, it's better for the others to stay.

When the time comes, I am closer to Gion and can react as quickly as possible.

But with many people, there may be some accidents.

A week later, they are also ready to go.

At the same time, they also have a job, which is to escort the heavenly gold here.

However, this time the gold in the sky is a little strange.

That is, the gold in the sky here is actually a mermaid.

You know, here is Fishman Island.


"This, is the slave?"

Ye Tong saw these "heavenly gold", and a kind of anger appeared in his heart.

"This is a captured mermaid, and it is considered personal property."

"This kingdom is the kingdom of Lefixi, and their annual gold in the sky is handed over to this< /p>


"What's the matter, is there a problem?"

Kukuli said with some doubts.

"Maybe there is no problem in your eyes, but what if your family is these beings who are locked up?"

Ye Tong slowly said.

"My family is protected from..."

"This &..."

Kukuli was stunned.

Because he remembered what he was about to do.

If at that time, my family is being &...

"You know?"

Ye Tong wants to end in this world more and more in this perverted system.

"I can't take it anymore..."


Kukuli directly lifted the sniper in his hand, and instantly shattered it. side chains.

Then, the mermaid was put back into the sea.

"Something like this is not good?"

"Major Ye Tong, this is your person, I will not interfere."

"Presumably, you will definitely handle it?"

Kizaru appeared here immediately, and said with a lazy face.

"If you don't intervene, get out!"

"It's not your turn to intervene in my business."

Kukuli's face Haki said.

Originally, Kizaru was just watching the fun.

But I didn't expect that I would be scolded by Kukuli.

By this, Marine, who was just a sergeant, was stunned.

"Have you ever been kicked by the speed of light?"

At this time, the corners of Kizaru's mouth were also slightly upturned, and he looked at Kukuli with an ugly smile.

"I really don't have it, how about it, let me try it."

At this time, a person slowly rose from the ground and appeared in Kukuli and Kizaru.

He is - Dawn of Zero!

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