One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 298

And Ye Tong also asked Long if Kizaru was an undercover agent of the Revolutionary Army.

However, Long gave a negative response.

In other words, this guy is a pure Marine.

It's just that I'm lazy.

So, Ye Tong didn't care about him either.

This guy won't die here easily.

Finally, Zephyr put on protective clothing at Ye Tong's request.

After Gion fell asleep, Ye Tong also quietly left.

Because Ye Tong found out that something he owned was moving.

That is, the Sword of Navigation that I obtained earlier.

This has no information and I don't know what it does.

Not even a little energy fluctuation.

"What's the secret of this thing?"

Ye Tong felt the two Navigation Swords in his hand, Ye Tong also quickly pointed to the Navigation Swords direction went.

Soon, Ye Tong came to a clearing.

In front of you is the Reverie Center this time.

But why did the Sword of Navigation bring itself here?

"Major General Ye Tong, I don't know, what are you doing here?"

At this time, a man with a long knife appeared in Ye in front of Tong.


Ye Tong was also surprised when he saw the person in front of him.

This guy has avoided his Kenbunshoku perception.

You know, now Ye Tong has reached the level of prediction. Listening to all things is already awakening.

"What are you doing here?"

"Answer me."

The bald Gorosei said indifferently.

At the same time, a powerful breath was released from his body.


Ye Tong was even more shocked.

This is not Haoshoku Haki, but a murderous aura.

How many people did this guy kill?

"I'm just out to inspect."

"After all, Akatsuki said he was coming, so he shouldn't slack off."

Ye Tong said quickly.




After the bald head finished speaking, it appeared instantly behind Ye Tong.

And Ye Tong's body was cut through at this time.

"Sure enough, you are Xiaozhi Zero!"

"Instinctive reactions, sometimes, can be out of control."

"Xiaozhizhi Hello your excellency, my name is Zuoyu Qiao Daoben."

"Can you chat if you have time?"

Qiao Daoben put away his breath, slowly said .

"It's an honor."

Ye Tong also put away the look just now and responded normally.

After all, now he is not talking to him as Ye Tong, but as Xiao Zhiling!

In this way, the two entered a gorgeous villa.

"I thought you were Celestial Dragon, but now it seems that you are not."

Ye Tong originally wanted to pick up some garbage, but it was too clean.

So I sat down and said slowly.

"It's very smart, but smart people are not likeable!"

Qiao Dao Ben is like an expressionless machine.

"What is the purpose of calling me here?"

"You don't want to work with me, the one who makes World Nobles a headache, right?"

"For freedom, for your country to be free?"

Ye Tong is a little playful.

After all, this is the only reason Ye Tong can think of now.

Otherwise, why is this guy looking for himself?

It seems that this Mariejois is a lot more complicated than I imagined!

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