One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 300

After dealing with this matter, Ye Tong also made a list of some must-haves.

Then, handed a book to Joe.

"Information of all members of Gorosei, and their trash."

"Im's trash needs to be installed separately."

"This battle The existence of strength above the general level requires a piece of garbage."

After seeing the above information, Qiao Yiben had a headache.

Things like this can't be done anytime soon.

"It's actually very simple."

"Your strength and status, it's not difficult to get these things."

"I'm back ."

"Before the Reverie starts, if you give me something, our agreement will take effect."

"If you don't give it to me, I'll assume I haven't seen you."

After Ye Tong finished speaking, he just disappeared here.

After returning to the room, Ye Tong also took out what Qiao Yiben just gave him.

This is actually the Sword of Sailing.

And what Qiao Dao said, this thing can avoid the attack of the king.

Although it's only once, it's enough bugs.

Ye Tong took out a sword of navigation, then took out a rope, tied it, and put it around Gion's neck.

Afterwards, Ye Tong went to find Lord Zhou.

Next day.

At this point, Ye Tong had come to the inspection room where Kizaru was.

"Major General Ye Tong, you are really positive!"

"Go back to rest."

Kizaru disappeared after saying a word. here.

At this time, there were already many people thinking about the Reverie room and rushing to the room one after another.

There are special guards leading here, and the existence of allied countries is advancing rapidly.

"Neptune? Queen Otohime?"

Ye Tong also knew after seeing these two people appear.

Now Fishman Island belongs to the World Government allies.

However, after this time, just...

Hody Jones is also here at this time, just as a guard.


Ye Tong appeared in front of the two in an instant.

"King Neptune, Queen Otohime is good."

"I'm Marine Major General Grote Ye Tong."

"In charge of this time Escort work, is this your escort?"

Ye Tong looked at Hody Jones in front of him and said slowly.

"Yes, he is..."


"I was wrong, I shouldn't have tried to assassinate Queen Otohime. "

When Queen Otohime wanted to reveal the identity of Hody Jones, Hody Jones also knelt on the ground instantly and said with a sad face.

"Okay, you know what he wants to do."

"Myself, pay more attention!"

Ye Tong finished Later, a specific Illusion Technique was also applied directly to Hody Jones.

It is the Illusion Technique that is usually normal, but if you encounter something specific, it will trigger the Illusion Technique.

The event set by Ye Tong was the assassination of Queen Otohime.

After returning to his post, Ye Tong continued to wait.

Soon, the kings here entered the Reverie room one by one.

Even Doflamingo is here, after all, now he is the king of Dressrosa!

“peng~ peng~ peng~ peng~  …”

At this time, the voice of peng peng peng came from outside the guard.

Countless garbage bags were thrown out.

"This is Gorosei's, this is Im's."

"The others are all from here."

Joe Yiben said After finishing, just left.

Looking at the things on the ground, Ye Tong's mouth also slowly raised.

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