One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 302

After wearing it, Ye Tong also continued to pick up litter.

After cleaning up, Ye Tong is ready to let the dragons and the others begin their work.

“Brother Ye Tong, I brought my friend here to give you a gift.”

“peng peng peng…”

Just at this time, there was a noise outside.

Ye Tong came out and found that it was actually Chardokya and some Celestial Dragons.

"Thank you, your strength will soon improve."

After Ye Tong said something, he went back to clean up the trash.

Afterwards, the previous escort also came to deliver the garbage.

It was noon after cleaning up the rubbish here.

"Uh, it's so late?"

"It's time to do it."

After Ye Tong finished speaking, he was also lifting his own hand, yes said with the ring.



"Already arranged."

"In place."


The voices of five people also came from the ring.

Monkey D. Dragon, Shiki, Magellan, Kukuli and Mr. Issho.

"hu hu..."

Just at this time, a huge Battleship, Pirate Ship, Slave Ship, Merchant Ship, King's Ship Direct and Rain General fall.

"Uh, how many ships did this guy prepare?"

Ye Tong was stunned when he saw such a battle.

Golden Lion's strength in large-scale destruction is really powerful!

"Ittoryu, Azure Dragon is broken!"

Ye Tong, the escort, also launched an attack directly on the ships in the air.

"Three rabbits, Yan return!"

Momousagi also pulled out Jin Kunluo and used his own attack directly.

"Ula Ula..."

At this time, Mariejois also sounded the alarm.

“bang bang bang!”

However, the siren was soon drowned out by the bang.

Countless ships fell, directly destroying buildings.

Although cp0, Marine bodyguards smash the ship.

No extensive damage was done.

But the remaining wreckage still had an impact on the building.


At this time, there were bursts of hu hu sounds.

Then, one after another red meteorite appeared in everyone's sight.

"What's this... a joke?!"

"A natural disaster, what is this!"


< p>The members of cp0 also looked at the situation in front of them and were stunned.


At this time, Ye Tong had some toothache.

These guys are really...

Although I said it myself, I have to prepare a very powerful force to cause Mariejois's commotion.

But these guys are too much!

"Magellan, Dragon, you guys don't shoot for the time being."

"Kukuli, only when Celestial Dragon appears in your sight, start sniping directly."

Ye Tong is also quick to convey information to everyone.

Under the current situation, no one pays attention to Ye Tong!

"Block the meteorite first, otherwise..."


At this time, a powerful wave of energy hits instantly out.

The meteorite that originally fell also disappeared directly into this energy fluctuation.


I originally wanted to clean up the meteorite first.

However, this energy fluctuation made Ye Tong a little confused.

Obviously, this is not a human attack.

Then there is only one possibility - the king!

However, I simply did not perceive the existence of the king!

Ye Tong didn't even sense where the energy wave just came from.

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