One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 309

Meanwhile, Ye Tong returned to Zephyr.

Reverie ends, Akatsuki strikes, Mariejois fights back, Ye Tong fixes.

After these things are done, it is time to go back.

"Ye Tong, have you picked enough trash this time?"

"Go back this time and let Marineford be quiet, please?"

Zephyr quietly said to Ye Tong.


"I'm going to go directly to New World. If I go back, the old fogey will be chasing me for training again."

Ye Tong said innocently.

After all, Garp's beloved Iron Fist is not something everyone can afford.

Even if you want elemental transformation, you can't keep up with Garp's speed.

"You brat, how many people want Garp to beat him up and can't do it!"

"But also, the speed of your brat doesn't need that at all! Training."

Zephyr said slowly after listening to Ye Tong's words.

"By the way, are you planning to go to the New World here?"

Zephyr asked again.

"Hina has sent the Battleship to wait for me."

"There should be nothing to do here."

"It's not me who is stationed here. A Rear Admiral needs to do."

"I'll leave first."

After Ye Tong finished speaking, he also left directly with Gion.

Soon, they were on the boat.

"Let's find someone to coat and go to Fishman Island first."

Ye Tong said slowly when he arrived on the Battleship.

"Go to Fishman Island?"

"Fishman Island is very xenophobic. Coupled with the rampant capture of mermaids by slave ships over the years, their favorability toward humans has declined even further. It's freezing point."

"Right, this time the Reverie, it is estimated that King Neptune went to this Reverie for this matter."

Hina said with some doubts.

"It's okay, I have a relationship on Fishman Island."

Ye Tong said with a laugh.

Soon, Ye Tong and the others boarded the Sabaody Archipelago.

Others go shopping, and prepare.

Ye Tong is alone and came to the rip-off bar.

"A glass of wine, Rayleigh's whereabouts."

Ye Tong said directly after entering.


"Don't know."

Shakky said indifferently.

As an excellent intelligence officer, it's very difficult to deal with controlling your facial expressions.

"Aunt Xia, I know your relationship with Rayleigh uncle."

"I'm not here to make trouble, I need uncle to help me coat."

< p>Ye Tong slowly said.

"Find him for coating?"

"He's coating, but it's expensive."

"And, what are you doing?"


Shakky knew Ye Tong's identity, but after seeing Ye Tong turning over her trash, Shakky was also a little puzzled.

"Aunt Xia is an intelligence officer, you don't know that this is my character?"

"I'll clean you up, and Aunt Xia can help me find Rayleigh uncle, okay? ?"

Ye Tong said while sweeping the floor.

"I know you little demon from Whitebeard, take me to your ship!"

At this time, Rayleigh also came out from behind.

"Rayleigh uncle, wait a minute."

"I'll sweep the floor first."

Ye Tong continued to sweep the floor after saying a few words. .

Three hours later, Ye Tong also brought Rayleigh to his Battleship.

"You're a Marine, what are you doing on Fishman Island without catching Pirate?"

Rayleigh said with some doubts.

"I'm going to sweep the floor!"

"I haven't been there yet, there must be a lot to gain."

Ye Tong said with a laugh.

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