One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 325

Three days later, they also arrived on the first island, the Kingdom of Royalote.

"Ye Tong, this is the territory of the Allies."

"This is a country rich in silver mines, and their heavenly gold is silver."

"The civilians here are basically miners."

"The country is very rich, but Celestial Dragon doesn't like it because the country is too dirty."

Hina see Looking at the island in front of him, slowly said.

"Too dirty?"

Ye Tong looked at Hina excitedly.

"Hina knows, you are very happy now."

"Go on, Hina has an appointment with Gion, Kuina, Tashigi and others."

"Here The silver jewelry is cheap and beautiful."

"Hina is going shopping."

"Go sweep the floor yourself."

Hina slowly said .

"Understood, you can go."

"Here is 100 million Beli, as the cost of this operation."

"If there is any need Yes, just call me."

Ye Tong turned into lightning disappeared after he finished speaking.

Meanwhile, there was a man in the dark, refining something.

"The sterling silver is finally going to be refined. This time I want to show the world who is the greatest scientist."

"Goo hehehehe hehehe..."< /p>

mysterious person fiddled with what was in his hand, then let out a miserable laugh.

At the same time, Ye Tong also came to the Kingdom of Loyarot one step ahead.

After landing on the island, Ye Tong realized that the air here is really bad.

It's no wonder that those arrogant Celestial Dragons don't like to come here.

However, for Ye Tong, this place is like heaven.


Ye Tong took out his broom and garbage bag and started sweeping.

"The King, Marine Rear Admiral Grote Ye Tong is here with us."

"Now, sweeping the slum area."

At this time, a minister knelt in front of King Qiu Erji and quickly reported to him.

"You mean that Rear Admiral who likes to sweep floors, right?"

"This guy is a big trouble!"

"As long as Wherever he is, there will be problems."

"Let all the miners take a break, and then go to clean up the garbage here and send it to this guy."

Qiu Erji said directly.

“As you bid.”

After the minister finished speaking, he also left quickly.

Soon, the miners here will go home one by one.

Then, it's time to help clean up the trash.

At this time, Ye Tong is still in the slum area, it's just heaven!

Four or five hours later, he's still here.

The villas appeared, and the original slum area became clean.

At the same time, a lot of pickup values have been harvested here.

Ye Tong found out that the slum area still gets a lot of pickup values!

Go to a slightly richer place, and the pickup value you can get is pitiful!

"Ye Tong Rear Admiral, here are some food we prepared."

"We have very little fruit here, this is the fruit we just went to the high street to buy."


"Thank you for your willingness to help us, please accept it."

Just as Ye Tong was resting, a group of poor people came to Ye Tong.

Pairs of flushed hands handed over fruits one by one.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Ye Tong was a little moved.

At the same time, it also confirmed what Ye Tong wanted to do.

This world's purest happiness requires someone to stand for it!

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