One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 338


For a while Ye Tong didn't know what to say.

Luffy was swallowed whole without knowing it.

Ace actually fell asleep while eating Devil Fruit.

For a while, Ye Tong felt that Sabo was the most reliable of the three brothers!

"This, I accept it."

Ye Tong also took over the residue from Ace's hand.

"Ding, pick up the Mera Mera no Mi remnant discarded by Ace, get the Mera Mera no Mi ability [no side effects], and get a pickup value of 400."

Afterwards, Ye Tong The sound of the System sounded in his ears.

Host: Ye Tong

Age: 17

Pickup Value: 474347

Strength: 45380

Speed : 46310

Defense: 42180

Agility: 41590

Spirit: 490850

[Normal human base attribute 50]

Ability: Busoshoku Haki high level [Flowering Sakura], Haoshoku Haki high level [breathing and defense], Kenbunshoku Haki top [listening to everything] [foreseeing] [insight], spear technique lv10, sword technique lv10, digestion 3120.

Skills: Dual Blade Flow, Waterwheel Crosscut, Single Sword Flow, Hundred Birds, Shaved, Geppo, Tekkai, Kami-e, Rankyaku, Shigan, Breaking God, Hanging...

< p>Xueji Boundary: Writing Wheel Eye [Eternal Ye Tong Kaleidoscope]

Eternal Ye Tong Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel Eye: Susanoo, Moon Reading, Space Shuttle, Hanging Shou...

Teigu: The Essence of Demons [Enable Fusion 50%]: Ice Divine Sword, Mokobotmo [Three Times a Day]...

Wan Li Flying [Enable Fusion 70%]: God Feather breaking, flying...

Devil Fruit: Goro Goro no Mi, Mera Mera no Mi.

Props: Saijo O Wazamono Murasame, O Wazamono Rainfall, O Wazamono Spirit Ring, Source of Life 589, Sea King Weapons 28 Sets... Historical Copy Fragments 29...

Fortune : 10.249 billion Beli

Trash Master Title: [Worn, Basic attribute +2000, Charisma + 1028, Pickup value gain lift valve 250%, Recycling store recovery rate increased by 50%].

Intermediate Portable Space: Unlimited Space [full]

Thousands of Malls.

With the appearance of the panel, Ye Tong found out that his basic attribute has been higher than the increase of the essence of the devil.

Also, the pickup value here is also sufficiently improved.

However, Ye Tong did not directly choose to upgrade.

His goal is still on the Shaker.

Or when necessary, it can be used to add points to some of your abilities.


At this time, Ye Tong lifted his hand, and a flame instantly appeared in his hand.

"Ace, what do you think of this flame?"

Ye Tong stretched out his hand and said slowly.

"Big brother, you actually have the ability of Ope Ope no Mi..."

"No, isn't this Devil Fruit unique?"

Ace is stunned.

Of course, it also successfully diverted the topic.


Ye Tong is another punch.

"I'm asking you, what's the temperature like?"

Ye Tong asked again.

"This temperature is very average, it's not as high as mine!"

Ace said a little aggrieved.

"So, so what?!"

After Ye Tong finished speaking, the flame in his hand instantly made a huhuhu sound.

In addition, the flames that were originally fluttering in the wind were also standing in the air.

"It's... the intensity is much higher in an instant!"

Ace said in surprise.

Because Ye Tong's current temperature is higher than his flame temperature.

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