One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 340

"Ye Tong little brother, come over for a drink!"

At this time, the banquet is ready.

On the side, Marco's voice came.

"Let's go Ace, it's a long process."

"If one day your flame can melt Kairoseki, it will be the 1st stage."


Ye Tong patted Ace's shoulders and went to the banquet with his arms around Ace.

With the help of wine, Ace also threw out the depression just now.

Soon, the crowd began to revel.

"Ye Tong, let's try it out, you can't use flame!"

"Pure sword technique test."

At this time Flower Sword Vista He also walked to Ye Tong's side and issued an invitation to compete.


"Come on."

The two also had a fight.

Finally because of Ye Tong's awakening vision, Vista has been suppressed all the time.

So, I just gave up and tried with Ye Tong.

"Hahaha, Ye Tong little brother, let's test our strength!"

"You can use your power, but you can't burn me with fire!"

At this time, Diamond Jozu also walked in front of Ye Tong, and was ready to wrestle with Ye Tong.



In this way, Ye Tong and all the Captains fought.

"Thatch, I remember you had a team member named Marshall D. Teach."

"Why, didn't you see him?"

Ye Tong also went to sweep the floor after fighting with everyone separately.

After cleaning up the Whale, they also came to Thatch's side, slowly said.


"That's right, this brat, where did it go?"

Thatch then remembered that Teach wasn't actually on the boat.

This brat generally doesn't run around!

"I'm going hunting. Isn't there a banquet here? It's a good idea to prepare more food."

At this time, Blackbeard was also carrying a huge Wild boar, jumped into the boat.

"Hahaha, Teach is good, so sweet!"

"Alright, let's cook here, let's continue to eat meat!"

...... ...

A group of people who are also very familiar with Blackbeard haha.

You know, this guy was a good guy on the Whitebeard ship before he killed Thatch and took Yami Yami no Mi!

"Whitebeard uncle, Teach is the strongest crew member on your ship!"

"Why, he wasn't given a Captain position?"

Ye Tong turned around and said directly to Whitebeard.

"Did you say Teach?"

"|This guy, I've never seen him fight."

"However, you say he's very strong, so he should That's right. Don't tell me, have you fought before?"

Whitebeard looked at Ye Tong and said with some doubts.


"Almost killed me!"

"The scratches on Shanks' face were also made by Teach."

"I'm really envious of having such a strong crew!"

Ye Tong said with a hint.

After hearing Ye Tong's words, everyone looked towards Teach.

After all, Ye Tong helped their dad recover.

So, Ye Tong It shouldn't be to deceive them with such low-level lies.

"Teach, your strength..."

Whitebeard knew that at this time, he needed to speak himself.

After all, this is his own son!

"Yes, as Ye Tong said."

"My strength is not bad!"

Blackbeard also said with a smile.


"Silly son, you are strong, you must show it well!"

Whitebeard also walked to Teach's side, Just slapped him with a big hand!

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