One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 349

"Okay, that's the end of today's training."

"Go and take a good rest and digest what you've learned today."


At this point, on the Battleship deck, Issho slowly said.

However, this time it's a little weird.

Everyone finished training, but Issho's didn't disarm his gravity field.

After everyone left the gravity circle, only Ye Tong was left in the circle.


A powerful wave came out.

Many Marines are used to Issho's gravitational field, they know.

The wave just now is Issho's strengthening of his gravitational field.

"huhuhu &&..."

At this time, Ye Tong was in the circle and continued to wield his long knife.

"Mr. Issho, how much has the gravity circle you released now and just increased?"

At this time, Yacos also said with some doubts.

"Six times."

Issho said nonchalantly.

After hearing the number, Yakos swallowed.

Say, I'm sorry.

Then, just left.

Three hours later, Ye Tong also stopped cultivation.

Sure enough, within Issho's gravitational field.

It is very helpful to control your own power.

After the cultivation, Ye Tong also went to take a bath.

"Busoshoku Haki, Haoshoku Haki can be attached to the attack."

"Kenbunshoku Haki can also strengthen similar mental attacks."

"Combined If you use it..."

Ye Tong, who was lying in the bathtub, was still thinking about the tricks he used before Fengyue.

Each move is accompanied by a powerful Haki.

In this case, even Logia will be killed.

Especially Fengyue's attack is scoped, and it is impossible to avoid elemental transformation.

Thinking about it, Ye Tong fell asleep.

"Ye Tong, Dolu Luke Island has arrived."

Just when Ye Tong and Zhou Gong were showing off their skills, Hina was directly pulled back to the world.

"This is the next island?"


Ye Tong got up, put on his clothes, and walked out bathroom.

"Double Luke Island, known as the casino of the New World."

"There is even a lot of times where Marine will come to have fun."

< p>"It automatically forms a negative side of New World."

"Also, Hina guesses, this is the place where a king is."

Hina also organizes herself The information told Ye Tong.

"New World's casino?"

"You mean, it's a well-known extrajudicial place?"

"Marine , Pirate, Bounty Hunter... all kinds of people will gather here."

"And then, release something dark here?"

Ye Tong also said directly.

"You can say that."

"Whoever is under high pressure for a long time needs to release it."

" This is the place."

"Although it's called the New World's casino."

"This is the casino, the Red D area, the Auction House, the arena...  "

"As long as it can be released, there are all here."

Hina slowly said.

"It's really an essential oil-like existence!"

"Okay, let's go up and release a wave."

"I'll pay out the money, Just be in charge of playing."

"By the way, change your clothes, don't go in Marine clothes."

Ye Tong also said directly.

Seeing Ye Tong's excited look, Hina knew that this guy must have a different purpose than others.

For Ye Tong, this is a New World dump!

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