One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 351

“peng peng peng!”

In the early morning, Ye Tong was woken up by a knock on the door.

"Who is it?"

"It's so early in the morning, why don't you let people sleep?"

Ye Tong rubbed himself and felt anxious His sleepy eyes sensed that there were a group of people outside that he did not know.

But obviously, they didn't come to get their tea.

I'm not a good person written all over my face.

"You are the one who is particularly good at picking up trash?"

"You sweep all the land in Luofeng Town?"

" Where did all the rubbish you sweep go?"

"Can we invite you to sweep our town as well?"

"What did you say, obviously I was the one who got here first."

"Wocao, you..."


In a while, this group of people grew up by themselves .

Sure enough, it's impossible to fight with these two words.

"Well, can you listen to my client's opinion?"

Just as everyone was fighting, Ye Tong said helplessly.

"Yeah, what do we fight?"

"Let's see what the trash god has to say first."

"That's right, it takes... "


After a group of people beeped, they also looked towards Ye Tong.

For the first time, Ye Tong felt that picking up trash had a qualitative change.

And, it seems to have become a particularly strange belief.

"Actually, I am a very principled person."

"I like to clean up a little bit."

"So, you guys Whoever is closest to Luofeng Town, I will go to clean it first."

Ye Tong also said directly.

Otherwise, run around by yourself.

This island is not small. When the time comes, you can clean up a lot of garbage.

"Hahahaha, I'm the closest!"

"Trash god, I'm Pinocchio, the guardian of Pinocchio, please."

P Nocio said, and also made a gesture of invitation.

"Uh, why don't I believe what you said?"

Ye Tong murmured and followed Pinocchio away.

Others also respect Ye Tong's choice.

After all, Ye Tong said this place will be cleaned up.

And judging from the speed of Ye Tong's cleanup, it won't be too late.

As a result, everyone also dispersed.

One day later.

"God of garbage!"

"Can we go faster!"

"Our town, but waiting for you to save it Yes!"

Pinocchio said somewhat helplessly.

You know, it only takes about half a day to get enough Luo Feng to move the town of Pino.

But it's been a day now, and they're still walking on the road.

This trash god is a real god.

As long as he goes out, he will bring back a lot of garbage.

This is also the reason why, after they have been gone for so long, they have not arrived yet.

"I know, but I need to treat it equally!"

"No matter where the garbage is, I need to clean it up properly."

After Ye Tong finished speaking, he also disappeared again.

A few minutes later, Ye Tong also appeared in front of Pinocchio with a broken pot.

Seeing this scene, Pinocchio was completely speechless.

After all, there is really no way to stop Ye Tong's evil!

Just a short time together, Pinocchio discovered that Ye Tong is a super powerhouse.

Although he only picks up trash, his speed and power are all great!

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