One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 355

At this time, on an island in the New World, a man in bigmomPirates cloak.

Looking at the newspaper in his hand, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"This guy is not bad."

"My younger sister, she should like it."

The man said and walked out slowly. to the island, then stood on a wooden board, and went in one direction.

On the other side, in the Sea Territory of New World.

On a big ship.

"Hey hahahaha!"

"There's a guy who can mess up this world, this young man, I'm going to give him some faith."

"Hey, I'm so excited, Haki has leaked out...hehehahahaha..."

The man said while putting away the newspaper in his hand.


At this time, countless Pirates, Bounty Hunters and explorers are heading towards New World's casino, Duo Luk Island.

There are many people who are interested in Grote Ye Tong, who claims to be the King of Cleansing!

At the same time, Morgans from the news agency also looked at the computer screen in front of him with a look of joy.

"Gu hahaha..."

"Grot Ye Tong, I want to see how you will resist this tide this time. ."

"If you spend it, how about I help you promote Marine for free?"

"Happy, it's so enjoyable!"

< p>"Goo hahaha..."

Morgans laughed too.

You know, you can quickly find these powerhouses in New World and give them the newspaper.

Only him, Morgans, can do it.

On the other hand, on Ye Tong's side, he is still cleaning up the garbage.

Now he has come to the third town.

The rubbish here, Ye Tong has already reported high expectations.

But now, Ye Tong is still surprised.

After cleaning up two small towns, my basic attribute has increased by more than 5,000.

Meanwhile, San Haki has improved.

As for wealth and the like, it's the last.

"You are Ye Tong, the Marine who is going to be the cleaning king?"

"I'm very sorry, the long sword in my hand may end your journey to kingship."

"Go to hell..."


Ye Tong lifted his hand, and instantly released a large amount of lightning, which was directly given to the future. Electric focus.

"It's really annoying!"

Ye Tong was speechless.

Since the last time I defeated Jack myself, there have been Pirates who want to beat him.

Then, build on the foundation of beating yourself and make yourself famous in this sea.

"If anyone else wants to come up, I won't be merciful."

"There are many handcuffs on my body."

Ye Tong After shouting at the surroundings, he bowed again and swept the floor.

With threats, fewer people came to ask for trouble.

However, people still come up to ask for trouble from time to time.

With the ebbing of time, a bunch of handcuffed Pirates also appeared behind Ye Tong.

For such a matter, the host here also chose to remain silent.

After all, Ye Tong didn't do it himself.

When everyone's attention was on Ye Tong.

There are more and more powerful monsters coming to the island.

And they came here for Ye Tong.

"Yes, the super powerful monster is on the island!"

Issho, who was originally in the casino, also said solemnly.

And then, left here.

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