One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 366

Hearing this voice, Ye Tong also closed his panel.

Meanwhile, Issho came out.

"My lord, is Pirate coming?"

Issho clenched the sword in his hand, and was eager to have a try.

You know, before Issho was a little embarrassed.

He didn't help much when Ye Tong was attacked.

This kind of depression is still there.

So, Issho was a little excited when he heard that Pirate was coming.

"Yes, Pirate is here."

"But why is this guy here?"

"Imper Prison Sixth Layer's super criminal, Byrnndi Wapol!"

Ye Tong's eyes at this time, even if he didn't open his Samsara Eye, could see farther than when he opened the fruit-seeing ability.

Ye Tong had already seen the other party's ship when he heard this sound.

"Ye Tong, did you read it right?"

"The one called the world destroyer, Byrnndi Wapol?"

At this time, Gion also appeared on the deck and said with a look of astonishment.

You know, even with Ye Tong and Issho.

For this legendary figure who, along with Whitebeard and Roger, was known as Marine's dread.

Gion was still a little surprised.

"Yeah, I really don't want to arrest this guy!"

Ye Tong said helplessly.


"If such a guy goes outside, he will definitely become a lunatic in the sea!"

"At the beginning This guy..."

Gion also began to tell Byrnndi Wapol's crimes all the way.

"You mean, your father died because he fought this guy?"

Ye Tong looked at Gion with some doubts.

You know, Crane and Gion are both powerhouses in Marine.

But there is simply too much introduction to the identity and background of the two.

However, the guy in front of him is only in his sixties.

The age of Sister He is not much different!

Actually, there will be such hatred with them.


"So, I must catch him."

"This time, when caught, I will apply for execution!"

Gion's aura burst out instantly.

A strong aura filled the supporting body.

"Alright little bunny, have you forgotten?"

"I'm your man!"

"It's still me Let's do it."

"This is my gift to your family! After all, I have deceived you!"

Ye Tong hugged Gion in his arms Arms, comfortable.

At the same time, my heart is also a little frightened.

Sure enough, Ghost Qi's cultivation has a slight influence on human nature.

That's right, now everyone on Ye Tong's boat is starting the cultivation Ghost Qi.

Naturally, Ye Tong does not.

Because, innate talent is really bad.

Even if you haven't mastered your own power, how can you think about cultivating the new Ghost Qi?

"Ye Tong, you..."

"Okay, I got it."

Gion said, also lightly on Ye Tong's face One suck.

"I will do my best to take over the power of love."

Ye Tong said, and walked directly to the bow.

Actually, Ye Tong really doesn't want to catch this guy.

You must know that if he is captured now, when the time comes, he will probably be forced to raise his rank again.

Or, when the time comes, say, Gion caught it...

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