One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 371

At this time, Ye Tong, the entire group, took Wald on the streets of Marineford.


"You guys really brought this Old Guy back?"

"As expected of me Disciple!"

At this time, Garp also came over immediately, hugged Ye Tong's shoulder, and said loudly.

"Sensei, you rushed up so quickly, have you prepared garbage for me?"

Ye Tong said with a smile.

"Uh, let Sengoku give you this."

"By the way, you guys come back this time, please stay longer."

"Your current strength needs to be sharpened."

"There are still too many powerhouses on the sea."

Garp quickly changed the topic and brought the topic to the fore. cultivation above.

"But, I have to pick up trash!"

"I haven't been back for so long, wait for me to..."


Iron Fist landed on Ye Tong's head before Ye Tong finished speaking.

"We are in cultivation here, and someone will come to deliver the garbage."

"Let's go..."

Garp took Ye Tong directly and left.

As for the matter here, it's all up to Gion.

Soon, Ye Tong followed Garp to the mountainside.

"Now, let me see how you've grown during this time."

"Go all out, unleash your first attack with all your might, and show me."

Garp took off his Marine cloak and threw it away with a Haki look on his face.


"Ice God!"



Ye Tong lifts his own fist, instantly adjusts his basic attribute to the maximum, and punches directly into the air.

next moment , the whole ground is cracked directly.

And in the sky where I don't know how high, the dense clouds disappeared directly.

It's like someone used a big stick to make a hole in the sky.

For a moment, Garp was stunned.

Even Ye Tong, the initiator, was stunned.

Such an attack, such as by falling on a person.


"This power is already very powerful."

"However, such a powerful power is wasted in your hands ."

"Now, what I'm going to teach you is, control power."

"And, Iron Fist of love!"

Garp finishes , also appeared in front of Ye Tong instantly.

Gives Ye Tong another punch.

Issho was invited to training camp when he returned.

You must know that the current strength of the people on Ye Tong Battleship is super powerful.

One by one, to the strength of Commodore.

So, Sengoku hopes Issho can help with training.

As for the other Marines, they were also assigned the task of guarding one by one.

Just like that, a month passed slowly.

This time, on a huge Iceland next to Marineford.

Ye Tong is fighting Kopp.

No advice from the very beginning.

Now it's time to play with Garp.

As for why they came to the sea to fight, it was because Sengoku drove them out.

After all, if such two people are fighting here, it is very likely that the two of them will destroy this place before Akatsuki strikes.

So, let Ye Tong make an Iceland by himself to provide them with fighting.

By the way, Marineford can be cooler too.

And the training camp was also aided by Issho, and it was not as good as it was.

As for the escort work, Ye Tong's crew here is also doing a good job.

The Pirate Ship passing by, or the Pirate intending to attack Marineford were stopped.

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