One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 377


With the light sound of a lifetime, Ye Tong’s rain also turned directly into black.

The mighty Busoshoku Haki, unleashing its fangs.


"Brother Ye Tong, really..."


Wait for Zoro to say After that, Ye Tong appeared behind him.

"Ittoryu · Swap Iai!"

As Ye Tong's long sword was put into the scabbard, the three long swords in Zoro's hand were directly broken through Busoshoku.

If it wasn't for Ye Tong to stop, it is estimated that these three ice O Wazamono will become three useless knives.

"Hahaha, Brother Ye Tong is still so strong."

"It seems that my road to becoming the strongest swordsman has added another mountain!"

Zoro ripped off his clothes and bandaged the wound on his chest.

"Okay, my mountain is still growing."

"Zoro, you are very strong now."

"But , the road of cultivation, you must continue to persevere!"

"Are you going to find Luffy?"

"I will take you there."

Ye After Tong finished speaking, a man who looked similar to Ye Tong had several points of came out from behind him.

Then take Zoro and go straight to Luffy.

Have not seen each other for such a long time, Ye Tong still thinks about this foolishly.

This is Ye Tong's Avatar. As for Ye Tong, he has to find Rayleigh.

And that Saint Charlos, Ye Tong is not in the mood to talk to him for the time being.

Here, someone will deal with him.

What Ye Tong has to do is find Rayleigh quickly and go to Fishman Island.

After all, I can't just brush all of my younger brother's experience copies, right?

Soon, Ye Tong came to the Auction House here.

At this time, a sneaky silhouette was cautiously observing something.

"Hehe, sure enough, they all came here?"

"However, the plot seems to be going wrong?!"

"To scare Scare her."

Ye Tong finished speaking, and a shave disappeared here.

"Stay still."

"Straw Hat Pirates Navigator, Nami."

"Bounty, 12 million Beli."

"Great Pirate of over ten million, come back with me."

"Admiral Marine, Borsalino joins!"

Ye Tong learned Kizaru's voice, cynically said.


"Admiral, Borsalino..."

For a while, Nami broke into a cold sweat.

You know, she just watched it, and there is no one around.

But now, there is a voice behind him.

Also, the guy who calls himself the Marine General.

So, Nami didn't doubt the authenticity of this matter.

"If you give me all the money from your Straw Hat Pirates, I can spare you."

"I mean, all the money."

Ye Tong spoke again.

Indeed, Ye Tong wanted to see, what would Nami do in such a situation?


"No, grab me and go!"


"peng !"

At this time, Nami suddenly raised the knife in his hand, wanting to sneak attack Ye Tong.


"Sure enough."

"Nami, you haven't changed at all, you still love money so much!"

Ye Tong grabbed Nami's hand, laughed and said with a smile.

"Brother Ye Tong?"


At this time, Nami also knew, this is Ye Tong teasing himself.

So, he pouted and looked at Ye Tong with dissatisfaction.

"Nami, where is Luffy?!"

Ye Tong changed the subject when he saw Nami panting with rage, said slowly.

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