One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 388

After high fives with Ye Tong, Magellan left here directly from the dedicated channel here.

Soon, Magellan was riding out of the sea on the frigate.

"Scumbags of the World Government, I'm back."

"You guys, are you ready for the wrath of the world?"

Magellan said, There is also a powerful venom one after another on his body.

"Isn't this... the former warden who disappeared, Magellan?"

"What did this guy just say he was going to do?"

"He Are you here to attack us?”


A group of Celestial Dragon guards said with some doubts.

"Magellan, what exactly is this guy trying to do?"

At this time it was Sakazuki's turn to be here, and after seeing Magellan's appearance, it was also immediately at the end. Front.

"General Marine, Sakazuki?"

"Hahaha, it's great to be able to fight with you in the first battle of my comeback."

"Let me see how powerful your Magma Fruit is."

"Poison Dragon!"

After Magellan finished speaking, he directly released the poison dragon.

Three gigantic poisonous dragons pounced directly on Sakazuki.

"Damn, is this guy really going to attack Mariejois?"

"Red-toothed dog!"

Sakazuki also immediately released his own attack.

A vicious dog formed by a huge magma is also facing the poisonous dragon.


With the contact between magma and Venom, one after another powerful poison qi was instantly emitted.

"Get back, this is Magellan's poison, you can't prevent it."

"Ah! This is... my hand... ah!"



For a while, the people who didn't have time to escape fell down one by one.

Be aware that Magellan's toxins are not simple.

When Life Essence didn't exist, even Magellan couldn't take it.

Not to mention, these guards.


At this time, countless cp0 people came here and used Rankyaku directly and quickly.

The powerful energy directly blew away all the poison qi here.

"Oh hahaha..."

"Sakazuki, you are really weak!"

"By the way, I forgot to introduce myself."


"Xiao organization, code name Nan!"

Magellan laughed and said with a smile.

At the same time, countless poisonous dragons pounced on Sakazuki again.


"Damn, what kind of existence is this Akatsuki?"

"Actually, even Magellan joined it ."

"That guy named Zero..."

Sakazuki's face showed a look of surprise, and then Sakazuki kept blocking the venom.

After turning the poison into poison qi, the cp0 person turns into a hair dryer to disperse the poison qi.

"Magellan, what exactly do you want to do?"

"If you have any dissatisfaction with the arrangements of the world government, you can bring it up, why should you join Akatsuki? !"

At this time, Cyborg also came out and roared with a puzzled look.

"As I just said, I brought the wrath of the world today."

"You guys, do you know what a Dark King is?"

" So, have you ever felt the attack of destroying heaven extinguishing earth?"

Magellan said, the corner of his mouth also raised a slight arc.

"Dark King?!"


For a time, these two words appeared in everyone's mind.

And they know that this Dark King is not referring to Rayleigh, but the most evil battleship in the legend - Dark King Pluto!

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