One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 391

Soon, the news here flooded the world in an instant.

As long as the newsbirds can go, they have received two newspapers immediately.

The first one is about Akatsuki.

And one more, about the bounty that Im re-offered.

next moment, the whole sea is boiling!

Although many people are afraid of Akatsuki's strength.

But, as the saying goes when a high reward is offered, brave men will come forward!

even more how, ten years of gold in the sky is enough to drive those allies crazy.

For a while, as long as it was an Allied country, it basically launched a search.

Even, Pirate, Marine, and Bounty Hunter are immediately collecting information about Akatsuki.

As for the existence of some who originally acknowledged allegiance, in the face of such interests, they are also a little moved.

You should know that after applying to join the world government allies, you will not need to pay the heavenly gold for ten years.

In such a situation, it would be a lie to say that you are not excited.

After all, how beautiful the future described by the Akatsuki organization is.

It's still a bubble now, and the benefits of Celestial Dragon are just around the corner!

Meanwhile, Ye Tong and the others also returned to Donut Island.

"Hahaha, it's really fun!"

"When I was the warden, it wasn't as fun as it is now!"

Magellan looked proud smiling.

"Uh, this kind of thing, it's still a little bit."

"If you do it too much, it will become addictive."

Ye Tong was in a cold sweat. said.

After a simple test of Dark King's strength, Ye Tong also had a new understanding of what to do in the future.

Three days later.

"Major General Ye Tong, there is a report about us here."

At this time, Allen appeared in front of Ye Tong with two newspapers .


"Look at this guy Morgans, how he described us this time."

Ye Tong took the newspaper directly, looked up.

Xiao organized Mariejois once again, and it is suspected that the final attack is about to be launched.

Finally, left to release all slaves, or kill all Celestial Dragons and leave.

Such an organization is undoubtedly the worst organization in the ocean in this era.

However, some see it as the only dawn.


After reading the report here, Ye Tong's mouth was slightly raised.

Such a report is okay.

Although it has not been modified, it is still quite satisfactory.

Then Ye Tong picked up another newspaper.

"This is, Xiao organizes a new bounty order?"

Ye Tong also said suspiciously after seeing the above information.

I didn't expect that there would be a special newspaper to record their bounty order.

After hearing Ye Tong's words, everyone gathered.

After all, the Marine Battleship is now all Akatsuki members!

Dawn Zero: Ability Space, Ice, Special Spirit Attack, San Haki, Flame Giant.

The leader of the Xiao organization, the bounty amount is 4.9 billion Beli.

【Provide accurate clues, or seize can reduce ten years of heavenly gold. Ps: If you catch it, you can get the same amount of wealth. ]

Xiaozhiyu: Monkey D. Dragon, Devil Fruit Ability User [Ability unknown]

A core member of the Xiao organization, with a bounty amount of 3.8 billion Beli.


Xiaozhinan: Magellan [Venom-Venom Fruit Real Ability User, former Impel Down Long]

Xiaozhi's core member, bounty amount 43 Billion Beli.



Looking here, basically the core members are around 4 billion.

Even if it is an ordinary member, as long as it is confirmed that Shi Xiao organizes it.

There are a billion Beli!

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