One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 397

Received bounty gold, robbed a king's ship by the way, and went straight to sea.

As for whether there is anyone following Ye Tong here, he is simply not worried.

Whether it is because of his Kenbunshoku Haki or his own strength, he is not afraid.

Furthermore, these guys shouldn't have the heart to come after them at this time, right?

What they have to deal with is super troublesome!

At this point, all they have to do is send these people to Mariejois.

As for the remote control, Ye Tong also gave them five.

The corresponding ones are the five Avatars of their own.

After arriving in a Sea Territory with no people and no birds.

Ye Tong directly destroyed the boat and jumped into the water.

There is a Dark King cruise battleship in the water, Ye Tong also sat directly on it and went to the donut island.

Back to Peak Island.

"Okay, let's stop arguing."

"Just like what Diqi said, what you want is ten years of exemption from heavenly gold."

"Then now, we should quickly send them to Mariejois."

"No, Akatsuki people, you know."

"In case There are still the rest of the party, or the core members."

"We are finished."

De Timordo also said directly.

After hearing De Timordo's words, the five kings here were also quiet.

The decision was made directly.

After all, the existence of the Akatsuki organization is not something to mess with!

These guys dare to go to Mariejois.

If you know that they have captured these core members.

Maybe the country will be destroyed directly.

You must know that their kingdom is not strong enough to resist the battle strength of the Akatsuki organization!

Soon, they brought members of the Xiao organization to Mariejois again.

Then these five Avatars were handed over to the world government.

They were also rewarded with free celestial gold, and a large amount of bounty gold.

After harvesting these, the five kings chose to leave.

Celestial Dragon didn't make it difficult for them, after all, this was the time to establish their prestige.

Imm heard that, the core members of the Xiao organization were captured here.

Even their leader was captured.

I also immediately walked out of the flowers and came to the courtroom here.

"Dawn Zero, you guys, I've finally caught you."

"Now I'll give you a choice to be my escort."

"Or, die!"

Imm said directly.


"You want us to be your escort, but many people know that we were arrested by you!"

" Now, isn't what you're going to do immediately, execute us?"

Awatar said with a laugh.

"Acknowledge allegiance you?"

"If we had chosen to acknowledge allegiance, we wouldn't have made waves in this ocean in the first place."

The Golden Lion Avatar also said it directly.

"Government is too dirty now."

"I, even if I die, will not be your guard."

Dragon said with a smile.


For a while, the five people here expressed their attitudes.

"I can let five other people die instead of you."

"You don't have to worry about the wind."

"As long as you are willing , I can make you stay and become the new Gorosei."

Im said confidently.

After hearing Yimu's words, the corners of the five people's mouths also showed smiles.

"Okay, we'll stay."

Awatar said with a smile.

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