One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 399

With the ebbing of time, Ye Tong and the others also passed through the Red Line continent quickly and then entered the Grand Line.

Two days later, they were almost at Banaro Island.

"Major General Ye Tong, there is a phone here."

"It's... Fleet Admiral Sengoku."

at this time , Goldman came to Ye Tong's side with Den Den Mushi.

"Sengoku uncle?"

"This guy, why are you calling me at this time?"

Ye Tong looked at Den Den with some doubts Mushi.

"Would you like to pick it up?"

Goldman asked suspiciously.

You know, their identities are different now, so Goldman is still a little afraid to answer the phone.

After all, he is now a member of Akatsuki's organization.

The one who called at this time was Marine Fleet Admiral.

So, Goldman was still a little nervous.

"No answer."

"I have something to do right now, the ghost knows what he wants to arrange for me?"

"When the time comes, Just say I didn't hear it."

Ye Tong said directly.

After hearing what Ye Tong said, Goldman also returned to his post with Den Den Mushi.

Now everyone is learning to drive frigates and battleships, and simply don't have time to care about these things.

It was because Goldman learned faster that he brought Den Den Mushi here to find Ye Tong.

"Ye Tong, Sister Crane called me."

"Fleet Admiral Sengoku also called you before, what's the situation?"

At this time, Gion also came to Ye Tong with a phone and said with some doubts.

After all, Sengoku and Sister Crane have been called continuously here.

Is there something wrong?

"It is estimated that we should be volunteers."

"Since Sister He has called, please answer."

Ye Tong Also said directly.

After all, Sister He is pretty good to Ye Tong.

It would be unreasonable not to answer her call myself.

"Ye Tong, where are you now?"

As soon as the call was connected, Ye Tong heard the crane's voice.

And, without any polite words, just ask Ye Tong where they are now.

"I'm in New World."

"What's the matter, is there anything I need to do?"

Ye Tong said with a laugh.

"Mariejois was attacked, and now I need you to rebuild."

"How long will it take to come back?"

The crane directly stated his purpose come out.

"Mariejois was attacked?"

"No way?"

Ye Tong said jokingly.

After all, as everyone knows, Mariejois has a lot of high level battle strength.

"Xiao did it, and also got a lot of bounty money from World Government."

"You know how good the World Government is..."

The crane directly informed Ye Tong of the situation here.

Hearing this, Ye Tong also gave a reply that he will be back within seven days.

You know, now because of this incident, Celestial Dragon has executed all the Pirates around the Red Line continent.

Not only did Akatsuki's members fail to catch, they also lost a lot of bounty gold.

Even, there are five allied nations for ten years of heavenly gold.

Such a thing is like a slap in the face of Celestial Dragon.

And, the kind that can't be said.

For a while, Celestial Dragon was almost insane.

Except Marine Pirate Bounty Hunter, all members of cp0 to cp9 are inseparable, and they are responsible for finding Xiao's information.

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